20. Release and Comfort

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Dryads were messengers.

They lived as part of the trees.

And they were one of the few witnesses of the events of the sacrifice of the great lion.

Lucy and Susan had stayed there, wondering what to do next as they cried.

They knew that Valera must have known what he was going to do.

That explained her sadness.

They also knew that Peter must not have known, otherwise he would never have been so calm at dinner.

But the most important thing they knew was just how soon the White Witch would be arriving for war.

And somehow, they needed to warn the others.

That was when the Dryads sprang into action.

Peter was soundly sleep, a faint smile on his face as he dreamt of the events of that day before.

He dreamt of a Red Carnation flower and a witch's giggle.

But such dreams were interrupted by a gust of wind blowing across his face.

Peter awoke, seeing a quantity of pink leaves accumulating at the foot of his bed.

Instantly, he reached for his sword, the sound of him drawing it waking Edmund beside him.

"Be still, my Princes", a woman's voice spoke.

What followed was the shape of a women made of cherry blossom leaves now stood ahead of the two brothers.

"I bring grave news from your sisters", she continued.

Peter lowered his sword slowly, panic starting to rise in his veins.

"The great Aslan has passed. He was killed by the White Witch."

The news hit both boys like an arrow striking their hearts.

Peter's mind was racing.

With Aslan gone, their side was weakened for the battle ahead.

Valera was now the only one in power they had left, and she wasn't allowed to use such magic.

That was when it all made sense.

Her misery, her panic, her explanation that Jadis didn't exactly accept her as Edmund's replacement.

Aslan took both of their places instead.

"Jadis is planning on attacking tomorrow. With the sun slowly rising that becomes today. The battle is upon us. You must prepare without your sisters, as they have elected to stay by Aslan's side", the woman continued to speak.

"What of Valera? Where is she?" Peter found himself asking as he started to get out of bed.

His question wasn't answered by the woman made of leaves, but by a sound that made his heart stop.

A scream.


The second Valera had woken, she knew it had come to pass.

Aslan was gone.

Her sister had taken him.


The White Witch had taken him.

Jadis was no sister of hers.

Not anymore.

She hadn't felt this sadness since the day she awoke to understand Lilith and Saida were never returning for her.

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