47. The Worst Is Yet To Come

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The worst was not yet over.

As light returned to the sky, those who had escaped with their lives finally returned back to their base.

A very close eye had been kept on Valera as they travelled across the woods.

It was the only thing keeping arguments from breaking out amongst them all.

The fact that she didn't wake even once was a matter of great concern.

All of their healers were still back at Aslan's How, including Lucy with her vial of healing potion.

Her state only appeared to worsen as the journey went on, and so Peter had made the decision to send her on ahead with Edmund.

His brother had been rescued by one of the hybrid creatures that Valera had apparently sent his way.

It had left Edmund adamant to take her with him back to the camp by air so she would get there as fast as possible.

Peter had initially refused him, but once Valera started to take in only weakened, rasping gasps for air, he had no choice.

With a gentle kiss to her forehead, Peter had handed the witch over to Edmund's arms who vanished up into the sky with her fate in his hands.

The next thing that delayed arguments was a mixture of nerves for the witch's health when they returned and a very deep state of thought.

Thinking of what their next plan of action was.

Thinking of how much time they had to prepare before Miraz came to them.

Thinking of those who had been lost.

Thinking of their regret and what could have been done to prevent the outcome they were now facing.

Within his own deep thought, Peter had come to the conclusion that he didn't house all the blame.

He retraced every single step of the night, and came across a multitude of moments that went wrong.

Moments that delayed them and put them at risk.

Moments that were Caspian's fault.

It was easy for varying emotions to grab onto the fiercest one burning in the mind.

Each emotion within Peter chose to slowly fizzle into anger.

Especially with the knowledge that Valera was on death's doorstep herself as a result of all the mistakes made.

But he didn't say a word.

Not until he knew she was alright.

And that moment came when they finally arrived back at Aslan's How.

Waiting for their arrival were those who had stayed behind. Each Narnian was stood outside the entrance staring across to the incoming remainder of their army.

Peter could hardly bring himself to look any of them in the eye.

Knowing they were the family and friends of the souls lost.

His people who had stayed behind with such hope in their hearts, only to have it dissolved and crushed.

When he got close enough to see their faces clearly, it was another addition to his anger.

The feeling of letting them all down and doing the opposite of what he was supposed to do as their king.

In reality, it was shame and embarrassment he felt.

But anger was easier to live with.

However, even his spiralling anger would have to wait until he had knowledge of Valera's state.

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