27. Uniting Narnia

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It hadn't taken long for the post-ceremony celebrations to occur in full swing.

The large and beautiful room where the coronation had just taken place was turned instantly into a ballroom.

The centre was used as a dance floor, each creature present finally expressing their joy through dancing wildly around with each other as live music played in the background.

None of the Kings or Queens had left their thrones as they watched their people perform dance after dance, seemingly never getting tired.

Not a single face in the room didn't have a smile upon their lips.

Aslan himself had stuck around for the dancing too, sat quietly to the side as he watched the future of Narnia begin.

It didn't take long until a few younger fauns approached Valera looking tremendously nervous.

"Your Majesty ... we were just wondering if – if ...", the first young girl faun started to stutter out as she glanced down at the ground.

"Thea, you're ruining it!" the young boy faun scolded her nerves.

"We have heard from our ancestors that you used to dance with us", the third young faun spoke.

"Your ancestors informed you correctly", Valera replied with a very soft and gentle voice which instantly calmed the nerves of young Thea.

"Would you do us the honour of dancing with us?" she asked with the sweetest hope in her voice.

Valera opened her mouth to reply, but the other young girl spoke first.

"It was really Rhian who wanted to ask ... he likes you."

It was said in a teasing manner for her brother, and Rhian hit his sister on the arm in embarrassment.

It reminded Valera of the way she would occasionally act with her own sisters years ago.

"I would be honoured to dance with you", Valera said after chuckling softly at the three fauns' behaviour.

Rhian looked as though Christmas had come early as Valera stood from her throne and walked over to him.

"Now, it is tradition for the man to bow and take the ladies hand before leading her to the dance floor", Valera explained to the young faun.

Rhian immediately did as she had said, bowing to her with a smile and extending his hand up to her.

Valera curtseyed before taking it gently.

As the three young fauns accompanied her onto the dance floor, she glanced behind her to see Peter watching her with eyes of admiration.

Valera had a small voice in her head wishing that Peter would have been the one to ask her to dance instead of a young group of fauns, but perhaps dancing isn't his forte.

Or maybe it wasn't yet, and she just had to show him what to do.

Which is exactly what she did.

Valera started dancing as she had done years ago in the times before the winter had struck.

She spun the three young fauns around as they all giggled with glee and was soon joined by older creatures (including Mr Tumnus) who danced with her in the centre of the floor.

Valera was a very graceful dancer, sometimes appearing as though she was levitating around the room as she spun around and performed the right moves to the music.

Eventually, she found herself back with young Rhian who tried his level best to spin her around despite the large height difference, making Valera bend down in order to see it through.

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