9. Peter and Valera

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"Hurry! They're after us!"

Mr Beaver shouted back to the three siblings as they ran through the dark forest.

They had faintly heard the growls and barks of the wolves belonging to the White Witch.

In that moment it had become clear what their brother had done.

He had sold them out.

And now they were all in unimaginable danger.

"What are we going to do?" Susan yelled over the sounds of them stampeding through the woods.

"We just need to get back to the house", Mr Beaver shouted his reply, moving much faster through the snow than the children.

"And what then?" Peter asked.

"Let's just hope they don't catch us first", Mr Beaver chose to respond.

Peter had nothing but fear pacing through his body.

It was driving him to run as fast as he could but ensuring that he remained at the back of the group as to keep his sisters from being harmed.

If he had been told this was what he would be doing when he decided to stay in this world, he wouldn't have believed it.

He couldn't even fathom that he was currently being chased through a forest in a wardrobe by a pack of wolves that would kill them.

"Look out!"

Peter heard Mr Beaver yell out from the front of their group as they all stopped in their tracks.

A single wolf jumped over them all from atop one of the tall boulders on their right.

It stopped in front of them, growling and baring its teeth.

The four all froze to the spot in fear.

Peter was unable to move, unable to breathe, unable to do anything to help his siblings from this fate.

"Look what we have here", the wolf snarled as it shifted its glaring eyes from child to child.

They landed on Lucy.

"I get my choice of the litter", it said before lunging towards the youngest Pevensie who let out a high-pitched shriek.

Both Peter and Susan yelled out, hoping that their words alone might stop the wolf from sinking its teeth into their sister.

However, it wasn't words that threw the wolf backwards against another boulder, knocking it out cold.

It was an extended root of one of the trees.

Peter looked up at it, the root oddly resembling some sort of arm that batted the wolf away from Lucy.

His eyes followed it all the way up until they landed on the outline of an individual stood beside the tree that the root belonged to.

"My lady!" Mr Beaver exclaimed.

Peter watched in a sort of daze from the recent event as the individual retracted an extended arm, bringing the root with it until it was placed back into the snowy ground.

Lucy and Susan were both also looking up towards the tree, and through the falling snow and darkness, Lucy recognised the faint golden curls of a girl she had met before.

"Valera!" the youngest Pevensie called out.

That was when she came into his view.

A girl of pure beauty.

She jumped down from the boulder to land gracefully on the ground in front of them.

Peter recognised her from the portrait.

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