45. Disgust

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Edmund was to land first.

Using one of the few strategies the Narnians had over the Telmarines, he would take to the skies and land upon the top spire of the castle for a vantage point.

With some sort of mechanical device from their world, he would be able to send the correct signals to the troops waiting along the far forest edge.

The first of them to be signalled would be Peter, Susan, and Caspian.

Using the same tactic of flight, they would land above the main courtyard to remove the first round of guards before setting off into the castle.

When inside, they would locate Miraz.

During their search, Reepicheep and his fellow brave mice would crawl through the pipelines to make their way through the other guards patrolling the grounds.

An advance of further troops would follow, taking out as many Telmarines as necessary to completely clear the courtyard.

In doing so, the next stage of their plan could commence.

There were two gates that obstructed their main advance of troops from entering the castle grounds.

First of which was a drawbridge, needing to be lowered.

Second of which was the main gates made of the hardest iron, needing to be raised.

Once both had been accomplished by the Narnian soldiers already inside, the soldiers on the outside could take charge.

By then, the battle would commence.

Telmarines vs. Narnians.

The latter fighting for their freedom.

The former about to meet a surprised end.

Now, I know what you may be thinking.

It was the very same thing Valera had thought first when Peter laid out the plan to her in full right before they all headed out into the night.

What is her role in all of this?

The answer she received was a simple, yet frustrating one.

No role.

In an extremely rare occurrence, Peter and Caspian had both wholeheartedly agreed on keeping Valera as far away from the impending battle as possible.

Naturally, they were met with a furious witch who told them both where they could shove their stupid insinuation that she would be anywhere other than in that courtyard fighting alongside them.

And so, their answer changed.

This time it was a more complicated, yet slightly less frustrating one.

Valera would remain back with the main advance of troops at the forest edge.

With Edmund's signal, she would lead them forth towards the castle.

But her people were not the only thing she would be pushing forth.

Nature would come with her.

Valera would bring nature up to the castle, providing the main source of their attack upon the Telmarines.

With nature surrounding the grounds, she would be their strongest weapon.

It would only be a matter of time and effort for the witch.

Bringing nature across such a distance would not be fast paced, and with her connection to it certainly weakened since the last time she had to spread summer throughout Narnia, it would tire her.

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