48. A Greater Power

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Caspian had dealt with egotistical and entitled leaders his entire life.

Every single male figure in his life had been like that, with the exception of his professor.

But what he didn't expect was the similarities between them and the people now supposed to be his allies.

The High King he had read about in the ancient texts; the High King he had grown to idolize and wish to become one day himself; the High King who had captured the heart of one of the original rulers of Narnia.

That High King ... was a bastard.

Caspian had behaved rather poorly himself. Something he quickly came to accept the moment he had walked away from the Stone Table to get some fresh air.

But what Peter had neglected to take into account was what Caspian himself had lost. What he was struggling with and what he had to put to one side in the name of war.

Caspian had lost his family. He had been stripped from all he knew. His last remaining blood relatives had betrayed him in the worst ways imaginable.

And now he was fighting for the side he had been taught not only didn't exist, but was once the enemy, in order to overthrow his own throne.

Such things were not easy to deal with.

Caspian had become well practiced in delaying his true emotions surrounding all of that considering the world he had been thrown into.

Learning that Lea wasn't just some girl locked in a cell, but rather the Golden Witch herself; joining her side to put right his ancestors wrongs; leading her people with her because she couldn't do it alone.

Those were the things Caspian had chosen to focus on.

And he had been doing a rather good job of it.

That was until the Kings and Queens of Old arrived.

Caspian wasn't necessarily complaining about the arrival of all of them.

Susan, for one, was a very welcome presence.

Lucy was just as sweet as the ancient texts described her as.

Edmund was almost harmless. A useful and underestimated mind to have around.

But Peter was another story.

If it weren't for how much he clearly meant to Lea, Caspian would have put his foot down days ago.

But the High King wasn't just here for their people, or for their land. Not even to get on Caspian's last nerve.

He was here for Valera.

Because the two of them needed each other.

That much had stayed consistent through time.

And it was evident that it was a necessary thing to continue on into the future.

But that didn't mean Caspian had to be thrilled with the concept.

Having to deal with Peter's sharp tongue and short temper had finally got to him after the raid on the castle.

The audacity to try and blame him for a failed attack that he hadn't even wanted to go ahead, nay warned against, was absurd.

Not to mention the blatant overarching position Peter took over his own relationship with the daughter of summer.

Protective was one word.

Jealous was another.

Insanity was the word Caspian liked to apply.

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