31. Return

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It was a strange thing living a second life.

It was even stranger to live it in constant pain and suffering.

Knowing that your first life was one you far preferred but having no choice in returning to it at all.

That was the life Peter Pevensie had been living for the past year.

Not a day had gone by in that year when he hadn't missed Valera.

Where he hadn't longed to be by her side again, to hold her in his arms, to feel her touch, to kiss her lips.

Not to mention the multitude of other differences he had to come to terms with.

Going back to being a teenage boy in secondary school during a war, rather than a High King of his own land about to be wed to the most beautiful witch presented its challenges.

Peter dealt with them all horribly.

Just like he was doing right now.

Getting into a fight with another pair of boys from another school at an underground train station.

The sounds of his own groans of pain were covered by the yells of the crowd that had formed to watch the fight happen.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" they were all calling out.

Peter was shoved forward, crashing into the stone wall as the two boys came up on either side of him, grabbing onto his arms to pull him backwards.

He struggled against them, trying to release himself to get a few punches in of his own.

But as he stumbled backwards, he looked up through the crowd to lay eyes on his two younger sisters, dressed in their red school uniforms, staring at him with very disappointed expressions.

Before he could do anything else, one of the boys shoved him back into the other wall, and whilst the second boy held him in place, Peter received a very brutal knee to his stomach.

Pulling his strength together, Peter grabbed onto the green jumper of the boy holding him down, swinging him over his shoulder, causing him to crash into the boy who kicked him.

With the two down on the ground, a third boy chose to intervene, grabbing his head and pushing it back into the wall.

The two boys started to recover, taking steps in his direction, their eyes practically red with rage.

But they were intervened by Edmund jumping in to join the fight, taking one of them down.

Peter tried his best to fend off the remaining two boys but was overpowered and pushed forwards past the crowd.

He soon found himself chest down on the floor, his head hanging past the platform edge just over the train tracks.

One of the boys crouched down behind him, holding his head in place, whilst the second boy administered yet another kick to his side.

Peter recovered quickly and managed to elbow the boy holding him down in the face, setting him free.

Above him, Edmund had practically jumped onto the boy who had kicked him, tackling him to the ground.

That was when the four boys all continued the fight on the ground.

Peter and Edmund trying their best to end it all, landing punches and kicks onto the two boys from the other school.

But there would be no definitive end.

The sound of a whistle blowing came from across the platform.

"Break it up! Come on, enough!" the voices of two army men yelled out as they ran over to the crowd which immediately started to disperse.

The Golden Witch || Peter Pevensie x OCWhere stories live. Discover now