58. Crowns and Rings

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The order in which the ceremonies were to take place didn't settle well with Valera.

In summary, it was to be crowns and then rings.

It was decreed that Caspian was to be crowned first, and for Peter and Valera to be wed second.

This was done so that Caspian would have the official title and duty to be the one to marry the king and the witch this time around.

He had insisted, wanting it to be his first official act as a king of Narnia.

Valera hadn't been able to argue, thinking it a wonderful idea.

That was until she realized that she wouldn't be allowed in the hall when Caspian was crowned.

Instead, she would have to wait outside the main doors for her timed entrance when the wedding ceremony would begin.

Given that Aslan was present, he would be able to carry out the ceremony without her input.

That would have contributed to her annoyance, but Valera was comforted knowing she had already given her input.

Her unwavering confidence and support of Caspian as a king of Narnia, as he was destined to be, spoke for itself on the matter of his official crowning.

He already knew that she saw him as family. He already knew she believed with all her heart that he would go on to do great things for their people. He already knew that she believed he belonged by her side as a fellow ruler.

What more was there to say?

Thus, to please Lucy's insistence that Valera wait a bit longer to have her own grand entrance, the witch found herself pacing up and down alone just outside of the doors.

Alongside the clacking of her white heeled shoes, she could overhear the muffled voices of those inside.

The announcement that came from Aslan, declaring full confidence in Caspian as a king.

The touching words of confidence that came from the four Pevensie's, all bestowing their trust and faith in him.

The cheers from the crowds of Narnians and Telmarines alike.

The witch could practically feel the transition made into the future when the crown was finally lowered onto Caspian's head.

How she wanted to burst through those doors to clap until her hands turned raw and cheer until her throat went dry.

But just as she slowed her pacing, and was about to succumb to her temptations, a voice stopped her.

"I believe doing that might ruin Lucy's plans."

Turning around in a slight shock, she saw that Aslan was now stood behind her.

"Yes. She did have a rather clear and stern opinion on what today would look like", Valera chuckled.

"Well, she has been waiting, like so many others, for this day to come", Aslan replied, walking up to her side.

"Excited or nervous?" he then asked her.

That question had come before the Pevensie's coronation.

"Both", Valera answered honestly.

That answer was a change, but the honesty had stayed true.

"Why might nerves be apparent?" Aslan questioned.

"Not for the ceremony. For what comes after."

The lion knew immediately to what she was referring to.

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