12. Summer Is Coming

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Peter had been right.

The river they were supposed to cross hadn't just melted.

It had turned into a suicide mission for anyone who tried to make their way to the other side.

The now unfrozen water was flowing at great speed down the river, prepared to sweep away or drown whoever stepped foot in it.

To their luck, the waterfall at the top was still frozen over, with a small patch of ice still intact at the bottom.

"We need to cross. Now!" Peter exclaimed as he laid eyes on the one small length of ice acting as a bridge.

Valera was well aware that the ice wouldn't hold for long.

After it broke away, they would need to find another way across or around.

And time was not on their side.

"I know Valera can't get us across, but don't beavers make dams?" Lucy asked as Peter grabbed her hand.

"I'm not that fast, dear", Mr Beaver replied.

"Come on!" Peter yelled, dragging Lucy towards the river.

"Wait! Will you just think about this for a minute?" said Susan, stopping her brother in his tracks.

"We don't have a minute", Peter argued.

"I'm just trying to be realistic", Susan muttered.

"No, you're trying to be smart. As usual", Peter spat back, glancing to Valera before continuing on.

The sound of wolves howling scared Susan into silently following her brother.

The two beavers made their way down first, Valera following at the back, keeping the three humans in the centre.

As they all stood on the edge of the river, the sounds of ice cracking made Peter stop still.

But more and more pieces were breaking off, being swept away down the river.

Peter stepped forward onto the remaining ice, but as he did so, the ice under his foot broke and lowered down into the water causing him to step back immediately.

"Wait. Maybe I should go first", Mr Beaver offered.

"Maybe you should", Peter accepted.

"I'll go around. The less weight on this ice the better", Valera added before setting off to take her own route across the water itself.

As she stood at the edge a few paces further down from the others, she stared at the white foam produced from the crashing waves.

She was very out of practice with her magic.

Power itself isn't the only thing that matters.

Skill is just as important.

They come hand in hand.

The three Pevensie's and Mrs Beaver let their eyes jump between Mr Beaver and Valera as the two took their first step onto their respective bridges.

Valera looked to her left to ensure the beaver would be safe, preparing herself to step in if need be.

The small animal was treading carefully, taking small steps and testing the toughness of the ice below him.

Valera, on the other hand, was walking on the surface of the water.

With each step she took, she avoided the large pieces of ice coming at her quickly.

Once the beaver was a few paces ahead of them, marking out a safe path, Peter, Lucy and Susan all stepped onto the ice themselves.

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