22. Phases

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The Golden Witch.

Daughter of Summer.


Many names had been given to her, but in this moment, as she stood atop a hill overlooking Aslan's army, she was just a girl.

No magic, no use of the rings on her finger.

Just a sword in her hand and a flower behind her ear.

Valera could hear the approaching squawks of one of their own, a half bird, half lion hybrid that had flown over to the other side of the field to get a heading on Jadis' location.

The creature flew over where Peter was placed at the front of the army upon a white unicorn, red and silver armour encasing him, his sword and shield in hand, Oreius stood beside him.

It then flew up to where Valera was stood, Edmund and Mr Beaver beside her along with their archers, giving her a brief squawk to which she nodded in return.

She watched it fly back down to land beside Peter, clearly filling him in on the information he had gathered.

That was when she heard some straggled breaths of Edmund to her left.

"Nervous?" she asked him.

"Just a bit", Edmund replied without looking away from the other side of the field.

"I'm not going to tell you not to be. I'm nervous too."

That was when Edmund looked towards her, Valera offering him the most comforting smile she could emit.

"Exactly when are you going to be able to use your magic?" Edmund asked, the archers all listening in on their conversation.

"Once Jadis uses hers."

"And you're sure she will?"

"I'm sure."

Valera wasn't lying or bending the truth to her hopes.

She knew Jadis wouldn't be able to resist using her magic the second it was needed in any small capacity.

The White Witch might hold out for a moment to give her side the upper hand, but then she would cave after convincing herself she had an easy victory.

That was when Valera would strike.

"Just stay by my side and nothing will happen to you", Valera added to the boy, trying again to calm him slightly.

Edmund then returned the smile, looking relieved that he had someone watching out for him.

After all, he was just a young boy, even if he tried to announce that he really isn't.

He still needed someone looking out for him.

With Peter occupied down at the front line, Valera was happy to take up that role.

After all, one of her purposes was to protect Adam's flesh and bone.

She needed them just as much as they needed her.

"If anything goes wrong, I just wanted to say ... I regret leaving the beavers house when I did and not meeting you first."

Valera turned to Edmund after hearing his words.

She hadn't had many conversations with the youngest Pevensie brother.

She had a feeling it was because Edmund felt uncomfortable around her considering her family ties with the witch who took him.

"I regret leaving you in her hands for so long. I should have stepped in sooner", she replied to try and get rid of that discomfort.

Edmund looked at her, his eyes squinting from the blazing sun above them which reflected off his own silver armour.

The Golden Witch || Peter Pevensie x OCWhere stories live. Discover now