55. A Father's Help

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The connection between Valera and her nature worked both ways.

It was entirely mutual.

Sometimes, when the flowers began to wilt, she would get the sense that they needed to be regrown.

Sometimes, when they seasons shifted, the rings on her finger would remind her of what she needed to do to change the surrounding landscape.

Sometimes, she would listen to the secrets of the falling rain.

Sometimes, it could be disturbed by external forces, and she would be made aware of its suffering.

And when Jadis took over, Valera's nature had iced her out.

Just like when she was severed from it. She could reach out to it as much as she liked, but she received no response.

Getting back that connection when she had reunited with Peter was a relief for both the witch and her nature.

Being connected was a benefit to them both, and was a comfort to them both.

Which resulted in her nature being ready for war just as Valera was.

It also resulted in her nature keeping an eye across the woods for Aslan's return.

And the moment Lucy Pevensie had fallen from horseback to reach a clearing, glancing forwards to see the familiar face of a great lion stood before her, the young queen wasn't the only one to have an elated reaction.

A rush of whispers moved at the speed of light across the forest, hopping from tree to tree, desperate to reach their creator.

With it came a whirlwind of a breeze, creating a forceful entrance that would be sure to grab not only her attention, but the attention of anyone around her.

They were going to help her by letting her know that her hope had been answered.

Aslan had returned.

And he was ready to help.

All she needed to do was draw the Telmarines to the river.

There is where the great lion would take over, finally able to deliver the right sentence to those that had harmed the witch he loves like a daughter.

The very same witch who was currently staring into the eyes of her husband, completely unaware of the message about to be delivered to her.

"I love you, Val."

"I love you too, Peter."

They exchanged the sincerest declaration to one another, painfully becoming more and more aware of the surrounding war still being fought.

It was their promise to one another. That they had beaten whatever fate lied on store for them on that battlefield, and would never truly be separated again.


Valera heard a small whisper in a very faint voice.

The last time she had heard it was the day she stood out on her balcony, preparing for Jadis' arrival in Irondale to officially dethrone her and bring winter to Narnia.

Due to the information she had received (that being the prophecy), the witch knew to drop everything and listen closely, relying on Peter to keep an eye on her surroundings.

Suddenly, the trees surrounding the open field all seemed to shake. It started off barely noticeable, but as a wave of wind got closer and closer, it became more violent.

Everyone on the battlefield momentarily glanced to the sides, looking at the movements of the trees.

For the Telmarines, it was confusion. They hadn't seen nature move in such ways before.

The Golden Witch || Peter Pevensie x OCWhere stories live. Discover now