A weasley christmas -hermione Granger

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Y/n PoV:
Hermione and I got invited to spend Christmas with the Weasley's of course I couldn't say no, I watched as Harry and Ron discussed over who was better captain of mine and Hermione relationship "I'm the better captain you're the co captain Ron" Harry said laughing. "No no I'm the captain it's my house my rules" he smiled I just rolled my eyes walking away "y/nn wait" Ron said him and Harry running over to me and Ginny "who's the better captain me or Ron" he asked I looked at Ginny. "I'm not in this Duke it out" Ginny said I just laughed "here if anything y'all realize I'm the captain and you're the co ones and first mates" Ginny finished making the guys look puzzled. "No we will settle this a game" Ron said Harry agreed "outside now" he said I laughed Ginny and I followed Hermione came down "hey babe what's going on" she asked me "oh Harry and Ron are gonna play a game to see who's a better captain of our ship". I said casually walking by she just stood their with a look of confusion.

"What" she said I just laughed and she followed us outside this should be good

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"What" she said I just laughed and she followed us outside this should be good. We watched as they took turns hitting targets the one who hit the most targets wins. They used slingshots since we can't use magic all the time that's cheating "alright it's a tie if Ron hits this and Harry can't he wins if Harry hits this and Ron can't than Harry wins". Ginny said I laughed Hermione hugging me kissing my head every now and then, we watched as Ron missed "well this will be easy sorry Ronald" Harry mocked he laughed and rolled his eyes Harry shot and missed to. "Well what happens now" I asked Ginny walked over "this" she took the slingshot from Harry closed her eyes and shot and took the target out. "Ha Ginny is our captain boo yah" Hermione yelled I just laughed and walked away when I heard molly say present time. We sat and exchanged gifts and ate dinner i knew this wouldn't last I knew we had a calming before the storm. But I sit here with my friends a family and my beautiful girlfriend I know we can get through anything together.

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