You will be okay i got you- marley rose

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Y/n PoV:
It was 30 seconds on the clock we were tied 20 to 20 against our rival school it was the championship high school game of my career. I was so tired my boys play a good offense to block me but sometimes someone gets through and I'm getting hit hard, "alright shotgun pass to anyone who can get open on 3 1,2,3 break" we yelled I got in position on the 50 yard line "down set hut" they snapped the ball I maneuvered in the pocket easily and saw Ryder was open but got blocked I look to Jake and throw it he catches it and makes it to the 5 yard line. "Let's go yes" I yelled coach called a time out 15 seconds left on the clock "alright listen up team we got 15 seconds to win, seniors you have 15 seconds left in this uniform captain it your call" coach beiste said to me i took my helmet off "listen boys we played one hell of a season I am so proud of all of you let's work together let's win this game and be champions yeah" they all yelled "run pass" coach said I looked to the team they nodded. "I got your back pierce" Ryder said Jake nodded to I looked up and saw the glee club cheering for us then I see her my beautiful girlfriend Marley rose wearing my jersey and blowing me a kiss I caught it and went it back going on the field. We got in position "down set hut" the ball snapped I tossed it to Ryder who ran for a touchdown unfortunately I didn't see a linebacker broke through I got hit hard I went down and felt a snap. "Ahhhh" I yelled Ryder got the touchdown but no celebration was heard he ran over to me coach beiste to "it my side it hurts fuck it hurts" I cried the referee threw a flag "unnecessary roughing the QB, automatic kick from the game"  I seen them bring me on a stretcher "I got you kiddo hold on" my coach said I was in the ambulance heading to the hospital. I must of fell asleep cause when I woke up I saw Marley holding my hand in tears my sister Ryder jake and Santana all in the room. "Hey guys" I said wearily they all smiled "shit you're awake thank fuck" Jake said hugging me gently Marley was holding my hand close. "What happened" I asked "the player broke your 3 ribs and dislocated your shoulder, he got in log of trouble as he should, ref said he did that on purpose I'm assuming because he lost to a girl". Santana said I just nodded they walked out to tell everyone I'm awake Marley staid "so much for me playing college hall" I said teary eyed Marley just kissed my head "you don't know that you have time they'll heal baby you got this I got you always I'm right here by your side". I kissed her soft but firm "I love you" I said she smiled "I love you more" and she was right. I healed up and had therapy by the time I graduated high school I was cleared to play Marley and I went to college together I got a full ride with football here with music, we got married our junior year of college and now I'm the quarterback  for the Dallas cowboys in the NFL and my wife is a famous artist yeah life is good.

(I'm a cowboys fan I know they aren't the best but been a die hard fan since I was a kid sorry not sorry)

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