You are perfect together- nancy wheeler

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Y/n Harrington is my name I am the twin sister of Steve the hair Harrington and the captain of the volleyball team. This year has been hell besides keeping my team winning our games I have had to fight alien monsters from another world and protect my friends and family, unfortunately I fell in love with my brothers ex girlfriend Nancy. I hate it because her and I are close and I can't just date her that's not cool sibling code besides I think she likes Jonathan nothing wrong with him just sucks. Right now I'm sitting in scoops ahoy watching my brother strike out with girls that come in, robin and I are laughing she's my best friend. "Nancy hey hi what's up" Steve said I looked up seeing her smiling walking in "I was told Y/n would be here max said she found something important told me to come tell you she's in the food court". I nodded telling my brother and robin bye "let's hang when you're done here nance" I said running off.
Nancy PoV:
Why do I have to be in love with my ex boyfriends twin sister ugh I should have chose her to begin with idk. "It's okay I'll be fine" Steve said after a minute "wait what" I asked "Nancy I'm not dumb I see how you are with my sister you look at her the way I used to look at you with love". I felt guilty "Steve I'm sorry" I said he just shook his head "don't be I knew from the start of y'all's friendship it was always something more Y/n is way to sweet to ever hurt me I know she likes you maybe even loves who knows". He said shrugging I just raised my eyes "look that's your sister Steve and I doubt she likes me back or even loves me" I said trying not to smile at the thought "I'm her best friend we talk about you more than my girl problems just ask her out trust me" robin yelled I looked at Steve "you are perfect together go please I'll be alright I promise" he smiled hugging me I raced to find Y/n I saw her saying bye to max and walking towards me. "Hey ready to hang" she asked "first I have something to ask you" I said shyly "what's up" she smiled "I uh wow okay can we would  you like to make this hangout a date" I said getting it over with. "Like a date date" she asked "I really like you maybe even love you and I talked to Steve he's the one who told me to go for it and robin did to which that's your best fiend of course" I got cut up Y/n kissed me gently I kissed back her lips are so soft. "Sorry I couldn't get you to stop rambling" she said smiling holding my waist "no that that is a good way to" I said kissing her again. After that we got together and Steve and robin like to claim they did this for us I just laugh they're right I should thank them I got the girl.

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