Back off she's mine- caroline forbes

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Caroline POV:
Tonight Y/n is taking me on another date and I can't believe after 2 years she still does these things, after she moved here with her brother and finding out what she is I needed her. She was their for me through everything and never pressured or pushed me hell if she didn't kiss me that night I wouldn't of made the move to do it again. Once I got dressed I got a text
My Bella🩵
Hey baby girl I'm on my way to pick you up be their in 5!
My smile grew Ugg she is literally so perfect I finished my make up and walked downstairs I heard a knock I opened to see my lovely girlfriend standing with a small bouquet. "Wow you look amazing baby" she said smiling she was in a white dress shirt with her jeans and hair in two braids. I wore a blue short dress and curled my hair and wore black heels, "you look amazing damn am I lucky" I said I took the flowers and set them down locked up and walked to her truck. She opened the door for me and it always has to be her even though I can do it she likes when she does it so I let her. Once in we drive to the restaurant she picked out holding my hand singing to the music I felt content. We have had so any problems lately it nice we get to just chill and relax you know? Once arriving she vamped sped  to my side and opened my door helping me out, walking hand and hand to the door "reservation for 2 under Salvatore" Y/n said the lady nodded and walked us to a table. She pulled my chair out for me and I thanked her "good evening ladies my name is Vanessa I'll be your waitress this evening can I start you off with any drinks" she asked kindly "I'll take a sweet tea" I said "okay and for you handsome" she said looking at Y/n who grabbed my hand purposely in front of the waitress "dr pepper thank you". She said blankly she walked away and smiled at me "so how did your day go today" I told her about my day. It so different because she pays attention and listens to me every word and is actually interested in what I have to say. "Here we go are we ready to order" the waitress eye Fucking Y/n basically I tried to not get mad I mean how can you not she's so beautiful. "Let my wife go first I haven't decided yet" Y/n said catching me off guard I looked at her and smiled. The waitress looked irritated but nodded once I ordered Y/n gave hers immediately and I just laughed. We talked about anything as usual we never run out of things to say, after we finished she asked for the check and the waitress came back rubbing the back of Y/n hand. I calmly stood up and stared at her "listen I don't know what you don't get about someone being taken but I kindly need you to back off she's mine and I don't share. She don't want your number or you touching her now go before you see me mad and trust me darling you won't like when I'm mad". I said my face showing a harsh scary death glare the waitress nodded and ran off I smirked Y/n goes "yeah what she said" and we walked out it was quiet she opened the door for me and once we both got in the truck we started laughing. "Really baby yeah what she said" I laughed harder "hey you had it handled alright I just was backing my girl up". I grabbed her hand "so your wife huh" I said smirking she just smiled and leaned over "one day you'll be my wife" and kissed me let's just say that night was a unforgettable one.

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