I will find you- carol danvers

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Y/n PoV:
I stood chained to a ceiling sports bra on and shorts on but no shirt or shoes I been stuck here for 6 days now, being beaten and tested on to spill my guts. It wasn't supposed to be like this I was with my girlfriend up in space defending a planet from an alien attack when I got grabbed from behind. Naturally I was being held ransom whoo hoo fun right yeah no it sucks, especially since I can't die easily so the torture is excruciating. "Hey Parker it's time" I heard a guard say great another beating another interrogation when will these idiots learn I'm not talking?? A woman walked in the same one who been beating me "are you ready to speak now maximoff" she said angrily I just laughed "I'm sorry I can't handle you being serious with that ugly face of yours" I laughed I really don't have a filter. That earned me a shock of a prod to my side "ahhh fuck" I yelled, she just laughed and turned on a phone calling someone.
Carol PoV:
I sat anxiously as we hit another dead end on finding Y/n my Y/nn I let her get kidnapped it's my fault I should of focused more. I watched as Peter and his guardian team radio anywhere looking for her "incoming voice call" mantis said we all raced up deck to listen. "Ahh guardians how lovely for you to answer me" a woman said "who are you" Peter asked "you should be more worried about her than me" she said before we heard a scream on the phone "Y/n" I yelled pissed off "don't fucking touch her" I said anger filling inside of me. "Oh captain marvel you are so funny now give me the artifact and I'll give back your precious girlfriend" she said coldly. We couldn't give it to her we need it to save a planet "you know we can't do that" I said voice breaking because she has my Y/n "either you do it or say goodbye to her" she said before I heard another painful scream "ahhhh fuck someone help me" Y/n cried sounding scared my heart broke. "Baby if you can hear me I will find you I promise I love you" the lady just laughed on the phone and hung up. "Great news we tracked her good job nebula" gamora said we raced to where she was don't worry baby I'm coming for you.

Female gif imagines ( sometimes G!P reader) (not my cover)Where stories live. Discover now