she is so hot - Ginny Weasley

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(I couldn't find gif for Ginny I'm so sorry so here's an imagine)

Y/n POV:
I walked into the great hall to sit with my friends my girlfriend isn't anywhere to be seen so I sat my Hermione talking about charms class. "So Y/n how are you and Ginny doing" Hermione asked smirking I just smiled wide and spoke "amazing honestly I can't believe she liked  me to begin with though" I said astounded that I got Ginny Weasley as my girlfriend. Hermione just laughed "don't be daft Y/n we all know she had it in for you since 2nd year and now look you got together beginning of year 3 and now year 4 here we are". I just laughed thinking back to how we got together funny story Ron actually is the one who did it, now I may be one of his best pals but he said he kill me if I hurt her. Course I would never hurt Ginny and I sure as fuck won't let anyone else for that matter.
Ginny PoV:
I happily walked to the great hall to meet my girlfriend and friends for lunch how I got such a gorgeous girl to be mine is unreal. Y/n L/n captain of the gryffindor quidditch team, second smartest girl besides Hermione and sweetest girlfriend. I walked into the great hall and saw Y/n and Hermione y/n was playing chess with my brother something they bond over. Before I walked over a girl grabbed my arm "hi my name is Sarah Golden I'm from ravenclaw house" she said smiling I nodded. "Hi what can I help ya with" I said trying to hurry so I can see my girlfriend "oh well I need help you're friends with Y/n L/n right" I looked shocked I mean some know we're together but not everyone in the school. Before I said anything she spoke "she is so hot and I was wondering if you help me get a date with her". Now my smile dropped "no sorry she has a girlfriend and frankly they're the perfect pair so I wouldn't wanna ruin that' with your smarty pants wits of annoyance have a good day". I said walking away leaving the girl confused by my outburst as I made my way to the table I started thinking she was really pretty what if Y/n likes her or wants a smart girl. I sat down my thoughts running wild until I felt a pair of arms around my waist "hey babygirl how are you" Y/n said kissing my cheek I blushed. " good much better now I'm with you" I replied she smiled and kissed me forgetting my brother in front of us. "Blimey Y/n snog my sister somewhere else please" Ron yelled we both just laughed I looked over seeing the Sarah girl glaring at me I flipped her off and smiled. "I love you Ginny" she said looking at her game with my brother "I love you Y/nn" I laid on her arm and my insecurities went away I have the perfect girl as mine and I won't let anyone take her away from me.

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