I love you always and forever -josie saltzman

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Josie POV:
I was walking with my dad and sister to the main hall I got another date with Y/n tonight my beautiful amazing girlfriend. She's so incredible Y/n Mikaelson youngest sister to hope my sisters best friend an the girl I'm in love with since I met her. We haven't said I love you yet but I know we both have almost slipped up I guess after all we been through it scary to take that step. *crash* we all jumped at the sound "let's move" Lizzie said we ran to see the main hall in chaos I look and see Landon and MG dodging chairs. "Landon what's goin on" my dad asked he popped up "that's what going on" he pointed to my girlfriend flying in the air eyes white and throwing her powers everywhere. "Baby" I yelled but she kept throwing stuff "sorry this young lady can't come to the us right now she's away far away" Y/n said well whoever was in Y/n. "It's some type of demon it jumped into Y/n while she was talking to MG and I about something". Landon said getting thrown into mg by the wall "y/n I know you're in there" hope yelled I watched as the woman in Y/n turned to hope. "Ahh so cute a sisters love tell me hope how does it feel knowing your sister feels second rate in your shadow". Everyone stopped and stared confused "the demon inside of her it's a rare type it harnesses the darkest fears and pain in one's mind, it must be using Y/n's fears and thoughts". Alaric said calmly "why would Y/n be in my shadow doesn't make sense" hope yelled the demon just laughed. It was so weird watching my girlfriend but it not my girlfriend be evil. It her voice her body her perfect features but not herself "you were always special dad and mom always favored you always looked out for you what about me"! The demon yelled blasting hope into the tables I gotta do something "Y/n I know you're in there it's me Josie come on baby fight it" I yelled she turned to me and stopped floating. "You deserve better I'm not good enough Penelope was right I don't deserve you" Y/n spoke I knew it was the demon accessing her dark thoughts "baby that's not true" I said stepping closer Lizzie behind me just in case "I never met anyone like you before, you wake me up every morning with a small gift or good morning note every single day. You walk me to class carry my stuff take me out on dates inside or out". I said smiling seeing the look of confusion on the demon all of a sudden it groaned "Josie it's working she is fighting it keep going" Lizzie whispered. "Y/n when you asked me out I was so excited I had crushed on you for so long I didn't wanna ruin our friendship so I hid it, I know you did to". I giggled I saw the demons eyes switch from Y/n to mine she's doing it "Y/n I wanna spend forever with you I wanna marry you one day I want kids with you please come back to us, come back to me come home". I watched as Y/n body fell to the knees "stop quit fighting me Y/n feel the anger the dark thoughts" the demon roared. It broke me watching her fight and suffer "I love you Y/n Mikaelson I will love you forever and always" I said it finally and watched as the demon screamed. Y/n body went back as a black cloud shot out her mouth collapsing her to the floor. I caught her just in time while Alaric and Landon made sure the demon left for good "baby come on wake up" I said rubbing her face. I started crying I couldn't lose her I just told her I loved her for fucks sake "I-I love you witchy" I heard her say with a raspy smile she opened her eyes and I kissed her. "I love you so much" I said again giggling hope helped me help her up and she hugged her "I'm so sorry Y/nn I didn't realize you felt that way from now on I promise they will treat us equal or not at all" hope said Y/n just hugged her close and tight. After we cleaned up and everyone bid us goodnight I crawled in bed with Y/n in my arms, "thank you for not giving up on me". She said calmly I just kissed her forehead "I will never give up on you" and with that we both fell asleep finally with the girl I love safe and sound.

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