Love at first sight - elena Gilbert

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Y/n PoV:
Another mission completed another night draining myself ugh I need a break i vamp sped to my house and walked in. I'm Y/n Salvatore older Salvatore sister to Damon and Stefan first one Katherine turned, but I never dated her like my idiot brothers. "Hey Y/nn" Damon smirked I just smiled and walked to the bar to grab my whiskey and put me some in a glass. "Stefan said the gangs coming over and to behave" I just laughed "you and him behave yeah right I believe that when I see it" I laughed he just flipped me off. I heard someone walk up and we nodded to each other "Stefan hey" I said he smiled hugging me hey sis Caroline was next "ahh my sister in law how are you" I joked she blushed and punched me "didn't hurt" I chuckled Bonnie came in next "my little witch" I hollered. She just laughed hugged me and walked in and finally Elena Gilbert this girl had been my crush since I first met her I fell in love with her instantly she isn't like Katherine at all. Unfortunately my brothers beat me to it "hi Y/n" she said hugging me I held her close and tight. Everyone settled in the living room I watched Damon flirt with Elena so I just excused myself and went to the porch "fuck" I mumbled grabbing my whiskey bottle and chugging it. "Easy Tiger save some for me" I heard Caroline say she and I are like sisters not just because she is with Stefan but we been close. "It's Elena isn't it" I sighed and nodded "care bear I been in love with Elena since I saw her that first day in the grill and I wish she loved me to" she rubbed my back "I am sure she has the feelings same as yours just ask her" I shook my head "my brother Damon got her first after Stefan I don't wanna be another Salvatore". Little did I know Elena stood behind us "well you should ask her yourself" Caroline said and I felt a presence behind me "fuck" I mumbled Caroline left us alone she came and stood by me. "Hi Y/nn" she said I smiled "hi" we stood in silence she leaned against my arm, "I don't have a crush on Damon Y/n" elena spoke up finally. I nodded not convinced "I do like a Salvatore sibling but she is so clueless, I fell in love with her at love at first sight to". This made me turn to look at her in shock but before I said anything she grabbed my face and kissed me. I kissed back obviously and pulled her closer us smiling into it broke apart and I rested my forehead on hers, "I love you Salvatore but you are so dense" I giggled "I love you to Gilbert always will".

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