You did what - max mayfield

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Dustin PoV:
"Come on Y/n I gotcha" i said while helping her walk through the woods to hoppers cabin "I know bro but it still fucking hurts". She grunted we had a stupid plan to try and capture dart until we realized he got bigger and more aggressive he slashed y/n's leg and it bleeding badly. We made it to the cabin I see Mike Lucas Steve and robin outside "hey they're back" Mike yelled. Steve and robin instantly ran over to me "what the hell happened" Steve freaked "help my sister first questions later" I yelled they carried her in max sprinted to me. "Dustin wtf did you do to my girlfriend" she asked yelling "hey hey it wasn't his fault it was mine" y/n grunted out in pain max came over holding her hand "I wanted to help him capture dart it didn't work" y/n said. "Of course it was dart" Mike groaned "hey hey dart is gone I need y'all to focus on Y/n" I yelled out.
Max PoV:
I watched as robin and wills mom helped clean up and fix Y/n's leg "okay their is a surgical first aid kit in the bathroom go get it Steve". Will mom said he nodded running fast to the bathroom I just rubbed y/n head and moved the hair out of her face. "Okay here it is" Steve said "alright now Y/n I'm going to have to disinfect and clean and give some stitches for the gash okay"? Wills mom asked she nodded in pain "here bite on this" Mike said giving her a belt she put in her mouth while will mom and robin got the instruments ready. "Okay y/n this is going to be painful without any medicine you ready" she asked y/n just took the belt out "I trust you just hurry" she cried and bit on the belt. I held her hand while her head was in my lap as soon as wills mom started disinfecting and using the needle y/n screamed but it was muffled a little with the belt. It broke my heart hearing her scream I cried trying to calm her down "max distract her talk about her happiest memories" Lucas said. I nodded and started y/n to focus on me "remember last summer when we first started dating and you tried to ride a skateboard? And and you couldn't stop in time and hit the trash can" I said giggling her eyes lit up and she chuckled through the pain taking the belt out. "Y-yeah you raced so fast to me it was cute" she grunted out screaming in pain every now and then. "Our first kiss when we were dancing remember you were so nervous and I just went for it"? I said smiling through the tears she did to "ahhh uh yeah I swear my heart jumped out of my chest". She cried out until Joyce was done "you okay kiddo" she asked y/n "yes ma'am thank you" she said tiredly slowly closing her eyes. I cuddled her up to me while the others cleaned up and rested I know she going to need her strength but I will also do what I can to protect her.

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