Eyes- allison Argent

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"Allison hello you paying attention" Lydia asked me waving a hand in her face, "oh sorry no I was in thought". She just smirked at me "or we're you thinking about a certain McCall sibling" I just blushed and turned away. Lydia is talking about Y/n McCall Scott's older twin sister, also a hybrid wolf/vampire also my crush for forever. "She likes you to y'all would be so cute" Lydia gushed I just turned red more, "she's just so incredibly amazing and I have no idea how to approach her without being flustered". I groaned what I didn't know was a certain hybrid had used vampire hearing and was hatching a plan.
Y/n POV:
"Did you hear that Scotty she likes me" I said happily he just laughed "duh we all knew she liked you dumb dumb you two are oblivious". Scott said smiling "how do I ask her out" I said stiles just smirked "what's ask out" malia said holding on to Scott's arm "a date silly" I said she nodded. "Lacrosse field after school deal" Scott said I nodded I walked over to Allison "hey ladies" I smiled they both smiled back. "Hey Y/nn" Lydia said "wow eyes" allison said "uh I'm sorry what" I said confused "oh uh your eyes they're really blue and pretty" I just smiled wide. Lydia made a wtf look with a smirk "thank you your eyes are pretty to listen after school lacrosse field join me i got a surprise". I said kissing her cheek walking away man I hope this works that's all the confidence I had. Once school ended I raced to the field I got flowers and the boys and malia to hold signs up. "Why am I holding sign" Derek said confused "because little wolfie here is proclaiming her love to Allison and we mustn't let her down" malia said I just growled playfully. "But she's her mate so why wouldn't she confess" Derek said confused "because sometimes mates can reject you and it hurts okay" stiles said I heard them coming so I got in position nerves calm the fuck down damn it.
Allison's POV:
I was so excited and nervous once school ended I skipped happily with Lydia to the field "aww this is so exciting two lovers as one"! She danced I just rolled my eyes once arriving at the field my heart melted at the sight. Y/n stands with our friends holding signs and flowers "hey alli uh I was hoping you say yes" Y/n said nervously aww she's nervous that's cute I smiled wide. "Yes I will be your girlfriend" I said before sprinting to her in a hug she caught me and spun me around while our friends cheered. I looked into her eyes "those beautiful blue eyes are what made me fall in love with you" I said "from the moment I first saw you I knew you were the one". Y/n said before I brought her into a kiss whistles and cheers all around I haven't been this happy in so long and now I get my happily ever after.

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