Who wants to be good anyways? -chrissy

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(So they legit didn't have to take Chrissy out even if it was important for the story this will be not apart of the show plot technically just a good ole fun story with a cute blonde cheerleader🤷🏽‍♀️)

Chrissy PoV:
I was walking to my car from cheer practice I had a long day and didn't want to be anywhere but home, between my ex bugging me to practice to school I can't stand it. "Hey Chrissy you doing alright" Nancy asked walking by me I nodded "just tired ready to go home" before she could speak a motorcycle drove into the parking lot. Murmurs and whistles could be heard once the bike parked I watched as the helmet comes off. A beautiful girl with long H/C and bright E/C getting off of it "holy shit" Nancy and I both said, who is that I thought. "Y/nn you're here my favorite cousin" Steve said hugging her "I'm your only cousin dipshit" she said her voice sounding angelic and British fuck. "Thank you for bringing my uniform I appreciate it" Steve said "whatever kiddo just because we go to the same school don't mean I'm doing your bidding" she smiled. I noticed the rest of her features beautiful toned skin and muscles showing She had several tattoos all on her arms that were very beautiful. "Hey Steve" Nancy said they both turned to look at us and she smiled at me gay panic fuck not the time Chrissy. "You remember Nancy" Steve said she nodded "I still have her as my favorite" y/n chuckled making Nancy roll her eyes smiling. "And this is Chrissy, chrissy this is my cousin Y/n Harrington she moved here and will be going to school with us" Steve said proudly. "Pleasure to meet you" she said kissing my hand I had to stop my heart from jumping out of my chest. "Well i love to catch up but I'll see you girls tomorrow morning I gotta go get my place settled in" she said kissing my hand again and hugging Nancy before dabbing up Steve and walking to her bike. Once she was gone I turned to Steve "why the fuck are all Harringtons amazingly attractive" I said Steve and Nancy just smirked "you got the hots for my cousin" Steve asked "that's not your business bye guys" I said running off and heading home. The next morning could not of come fast enough I jumped up out of bed and got ready making sure I looked extra cute not for a certain Harrington at all. Once done I drove to school and parked I saw Y/n was already here sitting by her bike talking to Steve and robin i notice robin eye y/n oh hell no. "Hey Chrissy" y/n accent came through with a big smile I smiled back "hey Y/nn need any help with today" I said twirling my hair flirting. "Yeah love that be great sorry Steve imma have Chrissy tour me" she said Steve just laughed robin had a confused look on her face. "Alright love birds bye" Steve said pushing us away thumbs up me we walked side by side "that also is a hard lock to get sometimes" I said gesturing to her locker by mine  thank goodness. She looked at it and did a quick tap on my locker and hers and they opened together, "wow that was hot" I said out loud oh fuck she turned and smirked at me. "I would love to take you out but I don't think you want to be with a bad girl like me don't wanna ruin your reputation" y/n said seductively fuck. I giggled and leaned close my lips ghosting over hers "who wants to be good anyways" I said then kissed her fuck being good I wanna see how being bad feels.

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