The other twin - santana Lopez

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Y/n POV:
I ran down the field kicking the ball into the net and boom right in the goal "fuck yeah" I yelled cheering while my teammates hug me. Everyone in the stadium roared I looked to see the glee club all chanting my name and wearing my number. Especially a certain Latina cheerio who I swear cheered louder than everyone. We won the soccer game and after a quick shower and change puck let us have a party at his house to celebrate glee club style. "Lil Evans congratulations" coach beiste said shaking my hand "thank you coach" she smiled walking away. "Let's go Y/nn it's party time" my brother Sam said I nodded laughing he rode with his girlfriend Quinn and I drove my motorcycle once arriving everyone cheered for me. "It's the player of the year yeah" puck yelled I just laughed everyone hugged me congratulating all over I got a drink and chugged it and got another one. "Celebrating hard tonight huh evans" I heard Quinn say "idk fabray maybe maybe not" I winked laughing. Sure the roller coaster with Quinn wasn't the best but my brother was happy so I was happy "a certain Latina has non stop been watching you" she said I casually looked around the house seeing her smiling at me while talking to Tina and Mercedes. "She's one of my best friends of course she watches me" Quinn just rolled her eyes.
Santana POV:
I sat watching Y/n I am so proud of her I never miss a game and I am the only one who has a practice Jersey of hers. Everyone else got custom shirts "you been staring at Y/n for forever just fuck her already or date" Tina said casually. "That's my best friend I can't do that" I said trying not to blush at the thought of being under Y/n while she fucked me. "Right and I'm not Asian" Tina said I just laughed "look twins are made to exist Quinn snatched one go get the other twin it clear she likes you" Mercedes said I noticed Y/n wave at me and I excused myself walking over. "Hey Lopez how are you" she said smiling her dopey smile I swear her and Finn should be related by the smiles not Sam and her. "Even better now that you're by me" I flirted she turned red and smiled "let's dance" she said grabbing my hand. We went to the living room dancing with our friends she had her body against my back and I grinded against her casually. Her face was buried in my neck and I could tell she wanted to do something but held back. Once finished dancing around we walked outside to take a breather, I sat next to her on the porch she put her arm around my shoulders. "Can I tell you something" she asked me I nodded giving her my full attention "I like you a lot I think I may be in love with you and I'm scared you don't back and I'll lose you as a friend". She stated quickly but calmly I just stared eyes wide until I smiled and kissed her immediately getting a kiss back "guess you like me to" she joked "I love you to Evans" I said kissing her again.

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