Lets make her jealous- rebekah Mikaelson

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Y/n POV:
I stood up dancing around the backyard of the party at the mikaelson manor, my sister Hayley was with klaus and hope mingling. I was dancing with davina and freya and Elijah all just being goofy "where's my favorite blonde" I said casually earning a trip from freya. "My other favorite blonde" I smirked "over talking to Hayley and eye fucking you" Elijah giggled just rolled my eyes looking. Rebekah mikaelson the most incredible girl I've ever met and she never bats an eye at my flirting "she don't want me she just teases and used me as a game I'm not into it anymore" I lied I am but I'm not trying to be "well why don't we fix that" Davina smirked. "What do you mean" Elijah asked intrigued now "with your permission Elijah let me flirt with Y/n get Rebekah to see she needs her" I just started laughing. "Darling she knows you love Elijah it won't work but I have someone in mind cami" I yelled Camille smiled and came over "Camille flirt with Y/n to make Rebekah jealous and see that she wants to be with her" freya said Camille smirked and nodded. She grabbed my hand to go dance I could feel Rebekah eyeing us a hint of anger I put my hands on her waist and pulled her against me.
Rebekah POV:
I can't get over my crush on the older Marshall girl it infuriates me what is it about mikaelsons falling for the Marshalls. "My dear sister tell Y/n how you feel before it to late" klaus said smiling "my sister likes you trust me" Hayley finished I just shook my head. "Well don't look now but someone may beat you to it" klaus smirked I saw Camille drag Y/n to dance wtf is this bitch doing. Y/n grabbed her by her waist and pulled her on her body I tried to stay calm it wasn't working. "Rebekah you're goin to let some girl take Y/n" Davina said walking over smirking klaus and Hayley nodding at what everyone was doing. I just growled and sped over "can I have her thanks" I said grabbing Y/n off of Camille's neck and speeding to my room locking it. "Hey Bex whats up" I said confused she just pushed me on the bed and kissed me. We had a heated makeout session her lips are so soft "I'm sorry I didn't see it before and acting the way I did but no one else is allowed to touch you you're mine got that". She growled vamp eyes coming out I smirked and had my alpha eyes come out. Flipping her over I kissed and sucked on her neck "don't worry love I'm only yours" before kissing her again let's say no one else saw us at the party the rest of the night.

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