My witch- bonnie bennett

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Y/n Salvatore the third older sibling to Damon and Stefan first one to be turned to a vampire by klaus not Katherine i turned way before they did. I heard a knock at my door and opened it "hi Katherine" I said calmly she just smiled and walked in "hey Y/nn where's my favorite witch" she said I knew she wanted to use Bonnie magic but I make sure she don't. "She's not here Kit Kat and no you can't use her magic" I said she just looked at me "innocent" "aww come on please" she said using puppy dog eyes I just shook my head. She sighed and then asked to go get a milkshake at the grill I nodded and we sped over once we got our milkshakes we sat talking. "So you and Bonnie still going strong" Katherine laughed at my red face and wide smile. "Yes I love this girl with everything in me I haven't had this kind of love since" I stopped and looked down sadly Katherine noticed and rubbed my hand "she would of been proud of you". I nodded smiling we finished up and Bonnie called me "hey baby get to the house asap" she said "what's wrong babe" I said worried "it's Caroline something's wrong" "okay we're coming I love you" she said she loved me to and hung up "come on Kit Kat let's go help a care bear" she laughed and sighed we vamped sped to the Salvatore house. "Baby" Bonnie said hugging me I just smiled and kissed her head "where did y'all go" she asked me "Y/n and I got a milkshake no funny business I swear" Katherine said Bonnie glaring "yes I love having a witch on my side but Y/nn would not of allowed me to use you". I smiled happily Bonnie looked at me sweetly and kissed me "you're still my witch" I said she giggled nodding and kissing me again. "Hello Caroline needs help come on love birds" Katherine hollered making Bonnie grown and I laugh.

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