I will find you part 2

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Y/n PoV:
I hang from these chains hurting my body becoming weaker by the second but I refuse to give the location of the artifact or give it to them. "Alright it's time" a doctor said taking me down I fell to the floor and was picked up strapped to a table and rolled out the room. "Hey hey where the fuck are you taking me" I yelled but the doctor just ignored me we went into an operating room of some kind. "Ahh my favorite patient an avenger ooh how exciting" the doctor said prepping tools for me I tried to escape but it didn't work "now let's get started". He took out a needle and inserted it into my neck "ahhhhhh" I yelled because it was burning through my neck just then the doors busted open "get the fuck away from her" I heard yelling but I slipped out of consciousness from the medicine he gave me.
Carol PoV:
After we arrived we set up a game plan everyone divide an conquer mantis and I raced to Y/n while groot and rocket went to take the security out. Drax and nebula went to handle the other guards outside while Peter amd Gamora went to handle the guards inside. I heard a scream "that's Y/n let's go" we ran I busted through the doors "get the fuck away from her" I said blasting them all back we fought them off then mantis helped me get Y/n. "Baby baby hey wake up come on" I said begging she wasn't moving but breathing I picked her up. "We got Y/n heading to the jet groot rocket get us ready she's injured bad" mantis said we all met up in the jet and took off. Gamora and nebula put her on the table and got her hooked up to machines and wires. After 2 hours she came to "Y/nn hey you're alive you're okay" I said with tears in my eyes everyone came to hug her "you saved me y'all found me" she said crying "we will always save each other" Peter said walking away with the team to give us privacy. "I love you baby I'm so sorry" I said to her she just giggled and kissed me "I love you and don't apologize it's okay I'm here we're together" Y/n said laughing. "I will always find you" I said holding her close to me and tight and I always did.

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