Never leave me- freya Mikaleson

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Y/n POV:
I watched as Elijah and Rebekah bicker at who was going after Kai again he's trying to get to hope and we all are not letting that happen. My fiancé Freya was upstairs with Hayley calming down hope while klaus and I watched Elijah and Rebekah go back and fourth. "Klaus if I may I'm the best to withstand Kai let me distract him lure him in a trap and y'all attack and we finish this"? I asked he nodded but looked upstairs whispering "if freya finds out we're both dead though I can't risk you Y/n you're family". I just smiled softly "hope is my family to and I am not letting that bitch touch her please I trust you will save me" he nodded letting me go upstairs to "lie" to everyone. "Hey it's aunt Y/nn" hope said running to me giggling I picked her up "hey kiddo you being good" she nodded and I see freya smiling at me wide. I walked over and she kissed me "Elijah Rebekah klaus and I gotta follow up with a friend at the bar you okay til I get back"? I said not telling my true purpose yet "sure baby I'm gonna watch movies with hope be safe I love you" I smiled wide kissing her with everything in me like it was my last. Because it may be "I love you my future wife no matter what happens I love you forever and always" I said vamp speeding away.
Freya POV:
I got so lucky with her I have no idea how someone so angelic is all mine, what she said and acted was kinda weird though but I shrugged it off. Time passed and it was late I felt uneasy and all of a sudden hayley phone goes off. "Hello" she said "ahh young Hayley mikaelson tell me how's hope" her face dropped "Kai why the fuck do you have Y/n's phone" my heart dropped not Kai fucking Parker. "If you wanna know have freya come to me and if you see your siblings say hi". He hung up and I saw hayley anger rise we gave hope to Davina and we sped to where they were.
Y/n POV:
Everything was going well until Kai set a trap for us like we tried to with him I walked into the cabin he was in and was blindsided. "Klaus run" I yelled vamp hearing is his specialty while I fought Kai until he knocked me unconscious.
Klaus POV:
He has Y/n I will not stand for this he trapped us ugh I'm so fucking mad "y/nn klaus we have to save her". Rebekah yelled she became close friends with the Salvatore "we need help" I did Elijah's spoke up "he's using the phone he's talking to Hayley" my blood boiled.
Freya POV:
We made it to the cabin and klaus was pacing "what the fuck is this lying sneaking off my fiancé is at the hands of a monster"!? I yelled the siblings just looked down ashamed "we need to get to her everyone line up freya taunt the asshole" klaus said he didn't need to tel me twice. "Kai come out bring me my Fiancé unharmed and you may live" I said furious. We waited 10 seconds before the door opened out walked Kai holding my beautiful lover bridal style she wasn't moving. "What the fuck did you do to her" my powers slowly coming out of my hands, I notice klaus and them all vamping out and cami's werewolf coming to play. "Oh she's detained breathing still for now" he toyed "give me hope and I'll give you Y/n if you don't I rip her heart out" he says holding her up. How dare he rub his dirty hands all over my fiancé "you know we can't do that" I said seeing Elijah sneak behind in the house "well then tel Y/n goodbye" before he grabbed her heart Elijah got a stake and stabbed Kai "ahhhh" he yelled dropping Y/n Rebekah grabbed her and sped to the house I followed using teleportation. We laid her on the table I started finding remedies for her after 2 minutes klaus and them arrived "she got a pulse it's weak come on baby" I said using a healing spell Hayley came over holding my hand helping more power appear "is aunt Y/n okay" hope said klaus sped and shielded her "she okay little wolf come on let's go outside". I watched as Y/n all of a sudden came to "ahh fuck" she said coughing I just smiled tears falling more I grabbed her in my arms "you're okay you're alive thank fuck" I said than I hit her head. "If you ever lie to me again I will make you go without sex for a year" I threatened than I kissed her fuck I missed her lips. The others gave us privacy while I made out with my fiancé "never leave me please" I said once we pull away "I'm sorry baby I promise I am here forever" she said sealing with a kiss.

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