This is a job for pirates- Uma

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Uma's PoV:
I watched as I seen Y/n talking with jay and Carlos outside the barrier after the incident last time she was allowed to come to auradon thanks to her sister Mal. She looks good still I hate that I had to leave her and I miss her terribly but I'm back and ready than ever, I watched as my boys jumped out of the barrier.
Y/n PoV:
"Jay Carlos stand down" I said pushing my friends away from my crew "Y/nn long time no see mate how are ya" Harry grinned. I just flipped him off but hugged them but he came at jay and bumped into mal causing the ember to fall "no it can't get wet" mal yelled. Just then I seen a tentacle catch it "UMA" Harry Gil and I yelled in sync "miss me" she said my heart swelled huge. "It can't get wet please give it back" Mal said Uma just disappears in the water oh boy, then she pops up standing in front of us holding the ember. "Uma you left us and Y/n why" Gil said I just hit him in the head "planning her revenge no doubt" Mal said coldly, "it not all about you mal I was looking for holes in the barrier to see if I can free everyone". Uma said rubbing the side of my face "uh why are you so close to Y/n" Evie asked hostile a little hmm "because even though things went wrong we're still together and I forgive her" I said calmly smiling Uma kissed me and faced mal "I'll hang on to this theirs no way I'm letting you save the world by yourself, this is a job for pirates"! She yelled hugging us three

 Uma said rubbing the side of my face "uh why are you so close to Y/n" Evie asked hostile a little hmm "because even though things went wrong we're still together and I forgive her" I said calmly smiling Uma kissed me and faced mal "I'll hang on t...

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"No way no not happening" mal said I pulled her aside "just until we figure this out and once the barrier is brought down we can be free". I said calmly she made a face but nodded I grabbed Uma hand and we raced off.
(I seen this movie I know it not the correct dialogue but you get the idea)

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