You moved on? - daisy johnson is endgame

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Y/n PoV:
I sat and watched the scene in my head over and over again seeing her kiss another that's not me, I couldn't believe it I ran out the door not even batting an eye to her. I called my best friend crying in the rain of course great "Johnson speaking" I guess she didn't read my caller ID "daisy I need you" I said crying she immediately grabbed her keys "I'm on my way stay tight" within a few minutes she pulls up outside the restaurant where I'm at and runs to me "babygirl you're all soaked come on you'll catch a cold" she said helping me in the passenger seat of her car. We went back to her apartment and she carried me into the house once inside I got in the shower while she grabbed my clothes I always leave here. I stood their just numb I jumped out and put on the clothes but stole her hoodie as well, once walking out she smiled at me in her hoodie. "Here foods ready downstairs" she said holding my hand and we walked to the living room I sat down she sat next to me. I drank some of my water she got me than she spoke "what happened Y/nn" I thought back to the memory and started crying again she held me close and tight, "I I walked into that restaurant because I was gonna grab takeout for Hailey and i but when I walked in I saw her and her ex they were kissing at a table". I said breaking down I felt daisy hug me tighter "she's dead when I see her" I giggled at her comment "don't I should of listened to you you're right I should of known she cheat again". Unfortunately I didn't listen the first time and she told me she changed more like she got better at hiding it. Daisy gave me tissues and held me close kissing my head "you deserve so much better Y/nn she never deserved you" Daisy whispered while kissing my head. We did this dance I come crying to her than I go back to Hailey but not this time, we sat and watched Disney movies til I fell asleep in her arms on the couch.
Daisy PoV:
Every time she hurts her I have to pick her up off the floor that bitch needs to realize the perfection she has in her life Y/n is amazing. I've had a crush on her for so long but I could never tell her, I can't lose her friendship. I woke up to her cuddled in my neck and my heart swelled her phone was going off so I looked at it. Bunch of calls and texts from Hailey and Hailey best friend I rolled my eyes Y/n came to and I smiled at her. "Good morning I'm sorry about last night" she said shyly I just held her closer "don't ever apologize I'll always take care of you" I truthfully said from that day I knew I loved her and I knew she loved me. After a month she managed to avoid Hailey got all her stuff moved out of the place and moved in with me, another month goes by and I asked her to be my girlfriend seems she liked me to but dated Hailey because she didn't wanna ruin our friendship. We were walking hand in hand to the movies to meet up with Natasha and her girlfriend Wanda. Once we arrived I heard Y/n name being called.
Y/n POV:
"Y/n is that you" the voice the voice of the girl I once enjoyed hearing I felt Daisy tense and I squeezed her hand tighter. "Hailey hi" I said calmly but plain "how are you it been a bit" she said glaring at daisy casually "I'm great actually how are you"? I said smirking because I am happy and great because I have Daisy. "You moved on"? She asked not when acknowledging my question "wow whore much" Daisy and Wanda almost clocked her but I stepped in. "The famous Hailey talking about me being a whore huh, that girl your ex girlfriend Kylie yeah we talked the other day she told me you didn't care if you cheated on me. You slept with her and before that you slept with her girlfriend as well making her cheat on Kylie, so the whore is you and if you ever fucking come around again I'll fuck you up". I was pissed embarrassing her in front of everybody "I been in love with my best friend Daisy Johnson since we were young I just never realized it til now and she treats me perfect so disrespectfully go fuck your self" I said dragging my friends away some strangers cheering while Hailey stood embarrassed and stormed off. "Damn no one piss Y/nn off" Nat said laughing daisy just kissed me passionately "that was hot you me back row" Daisy whispered I just blushed and nodded let just say we all had to go see the movie again.

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