I wanna be with you - Audrey

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Audrey's PoV:
Looking back you think I wouldn't like any of the villain kids but one villain kid caught my eye the second she stepped on the school grounds. Y/n Hook daughter of Captain Hook little sister to Harry hook, she came with the other villain kids and I couldn't hate her. Although I did my best to hate her I made the villain kids lives hell well tried to, as I was walking down the courtyard I notice Y/n sitting in the middle painting. Her gorgeous brown hair flowing in the breeze her captain hat proudly on her head. The way her muscular arms flex when she uses the brush so gentle and firm fuck I wish she do that to me. Damn it Audrey stop it she's a villain I walk over bumping into her dropping her brush "watch where you're going freak" I said feeling confident in my terror. She just sighed picked up her brush cleaned it and continued painting that's odd usually she says smart ass comebacks and we have a cute banter. "Hello you gonna acknowledge me VK" I said again she looked at me "Audrey please leave me alone I'm by myself not bothering you or your friends just go away". She said coldly wow uh she didn't call me princess like usual I stood confused and just stared at her. "I'm not gonna ask again go" she raised her voice a little not looking at me and continued pinging I walked off, "never interrupt Y/n hook's painting time you'll regret it" Carlos said walking towards the building with Duke. For the rest of the day I was out of it and I hoped she quit ignoring me nope. 2 weeks she doesn't bother me look at me or acknowledge me what the fuck I'm a hot princess everyone notices me. And yet the one person I want to notice me doesn't anymore, I sat watching Y/n paint again this happens everyday now after Ben and mal saved the crown from maleficent and got together I been out of it. Chad tries to talk to me but I shew him off I want Y/n to notice me again I sit here watching her paint making my heart feel weird. "Stalking is rude you know" I heard mal say next to me "what do you want prince stealer" I said although I don't have feelings for Ben "I know you use that as a cover for your feelings towards Y/n" mal said smirking I just looked at her "what are you talking about I don't like the VK weirdo". I lied idk if I do or not I always want her attention her comebacks her smile her laugh Fuck. "Audrey look I may be new to this feelings thing but I can see it Y/n likes you and you like her just admit it". Mal stated I stopped and looked at her "she doesn't like me" I blurted out "oh come on Audrey isn't it obvious the way she went out of her way to bug you? Always getting you a drink but then being a bitch about it staring at you and pretending to look behind you"? Mal said I thought back now it all makes sense "if she likes me why isn't she bugging me it been 2 weeks mal, 2 long weeks that feel like years" I yelled frustrated. "Because she realized she has feelings for you but after you called her a freak she realized she was one and wasn't good enough for royalty like you. So she bottled up her feelings and pushed everyone away including us", my heart broke she changed because of me?? "What do I do now" I said sadly "well tell her how you feel it doesn't hurt to try" mal said walking away I looked at Y/n who was picking up. I'm going to do it fuck it I ran to Evie and asked to use her phone to text Y/n "thank you Evie" I said she nodded "just know Y/n is like a sister to me hurt her I promise I'll show you what a Vk can do" Evie threatened smiling. I nodded, I raced to the meeting spot under the bleachers waiting for Y/n, what if she doesn't want to stay or she doesn't feel the same and it's all a trick?
Y/n PoV:
I got a text from Evie asking to meet under the bleachers it's urgent and I raced to the tourney field, I hate neglecting everyone but my feelings for Audrey get stronger. I can't help but think she doesn't deserve scum like me I'm a dirty pirate who betrayed her brother. Once I arrived under the bleachers a familiar voice caught my attention "I sent the text from Evie phone I'm so sorry but before you leave abruptly hear me out" Audrey said pleading. I nodded regretting my decision already "Y/n I wanna apologize to you I'm so so sorry" I looked at her confused "sorry for what" I said I knew what for but I needed to hear her do it. "For being a bitch to you treating you and your friends like shit not giving y'all a chance not giving you a chance, the truth is I was so mean to you because I" she stopped my heart races she doesn't like me back right? I stepped closer "you what audrey" I said unsure of her response next she looked at me with adoration in her beautiful eyes. "I like you a lot Y/n I wanna be with you" Audrey finished good enough for me I grabbed her waist and kissed her she was shocked but kissed back. Her lips are like so soft and angelic holy fuck once we needed air we slowly pulled away smiling like idiots. "Does this mean you like me to" she chuckled i just laughed "I like you Audrey" I said kissing her again and from that day on she and I were the second cutest couple next to Ben and mal.

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