I love you- wanda maximoff

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Wanda's PoV:
As I sit here watching everyone of us at another of Tony's parties I can't help but think about the times we all have had. After losing my brother I didn't think I could move forward I lost hope that was until a certain avenger caught my eye. Y/n Parker peter's older sister and his partner spiderwoman she was by my side through it all. Along the way I caught feelings for the spidey girl and I didn't know how to tell her fortunately her thoughts were loud and gave me permission to read them because she liked me too. After Nat and Steve got us together it been true happiness, I watch as Y/n is dancing with her brother and his girlfriend MJ she protects him with everything in her. I frown though when I see two women looking at Y/n and whispering I also took note that they're new. I walked over smiling at Y/n who kissed me and said hi to me I looked to Natasha who saw me nod my head to the two women by the door. She walked over to Tony and he looked to at this point the two women knew we were on to them so Tony escorted those who weren't apart of shield or the avengers to leave Y/n let MJ go to peters room to hide. "Excuse me but who are you" Tony asked them they just looked at him smirking, "we want her" they pointed at Y/n I got pissed. "You aren't coming near my girlfriend" I said my accent coming out "yes we are" one said before we started fighting they had a lot of training shit. I watched as a whole team of women came in fighting us I pushed some away with my powers and saw Peter and Y/n swinging around. "Pete watch out" I yelled as I saw him and Y/n almost collide we kept battling til we got them all well so I thought. "Okay can we have one night of peace that's all I ask" Peter said taking his mask off Y/n doing the same "alright what is going on". She asked but before anyone spoke a women appeared behind her with a needle to Y/n neck, "no one move or I'll kill her" everybody froze I felt the anger but I didn't wanna hurt her.
Y/n PoV:
I know who these women are now and I'm pissed more I can't believe she sent them after me the nerve of this bitch. "Alright I'm taking spidey here with me and we're leaving" she said I tried to break free but couldn't, "ah ah ah not so fast" the women said but I stepped on her foot and hit her back. She stumbled and Tony grabbed her knocking her out i watched as Wanda raced to me hugging me close. "Baby are you okay" she asked I just nodded smiling kissing her head "i love you so much Y/n" my jaw dropped so did everyone else's. "That's the first time you said you loved me" I said smiling she smiled back "I love you to" I replied before I kissed her my heart was full the girl of my dreams loves me and I love her.

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