Fuck you- malia Tate

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Malia POV:
Ugh I hate this fucking teacher making me act all dumb and thinking I can't be smart ugh I'm so mad. I was kicking and throwing shit outside I didn't even realize I had an audience "at least you're not picturing my face" my favorite voice said I turned and saw Y/n watching me with an amused look "you seem pissed baby" she laughed I just sighed. "I hate our fucking teacher like he treats me like a kid just because I don't get this stuff right away doesn't mean I'm stupid". I yelled kicking a branch off I felt two strong arms wrap Around me "breathe baby girl deep breathes" y/n whispered in my ear shit the things she does to me. "I just wanna go up to him and scream at him" I said she laughed "okay do it then" y/n said I just looked at her. "You're joking right" she laughed again "not at him pretend do it here walk up to this dummy" I said holding a practice dummy up "and say what you wanna say" I just nodded walking over "you can so fall off a fucking cliff and get eaten by a shark and step on Lego's because you're the worst teacher ever so FUCK THIS CLASS FUCK THIS LESSON AND DISREPSECTFULLY FUCK YOU" I said kicking the dummy into oblivion "that was hot" Y/n said I felt better after that. "Feel better" I nodded pulling her in for a kiss.

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