Please be more careful -hermione granger

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"And another point for Gryffindor our captain Y/n L/n is really making a name for herself" I heard the announcer yell as I flew on my broom

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"And another point for Gryffindor our captain Y/n L/n is really making a name for herself" I heard the announcer yell as I flew on my broom. We're against Slytherin today and i so wanna beat them I look over and see my beautiful girlfriend shaking her head and smiling at me. Yes I'm dating Hermione Granger how I got that I have no idea I'm still shocked as well, I met the golden trio when we all started our first year fortunately I wasn't in the room with the stone and Harry, unfortunately I was with Ginny in the chamber of secrets. One thing led to another Hermione and I confessed and the rest is history, I watched Harry flying after the snitch malfoy behind him what I didn't see was a sneaky Slytherin coming to hit me off my broom. "Y/n look out" I heard Hermione yell but it was to late they crashed into me and I fell straight into the sand blacked out.
Hermione PoV:
I watched as that bastard Slytherin purposely flew into Y/n the ref blew the whistle after Harry caught the snitch but I didn't care about winning I raced down to the sand to Y/n Harry beat me to it along with Hagrid "baby hey can you hear me" i looked at her laying on her back they took her to the hospital wing I sat holding her hand staring. After an hour I felt her stir "madam pomfrey she's awake" I said happily in tears she came over telling Y/n what happened afterwards I hugged her and she held me close. "Mione I'm okay really it just some bruising" I just scoffed "just some bruising Y/nn you could of been seriously injured or worse" I said tears falling she gently cleared them and rested her hand on my face "I promise I'm here I'm alright okay" I nodded she kissed me and I happily kissed back. "Promise me something" I asked she nodded "anything" I smiled at the thought "please be more careful"
I asked her she nodded holding me close I know this dummy will get hurt but as long as I'm with her I'll make sure she doesn't.

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