I love you- mal

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Mal POV:
As I sit here watching the tourney game I realize something that upsets me, after defeating my mother and staying good Y/n still staid with me and we are dating. My problem is lately I been feeling more of a pull to her I don't know what it is but I don't like it I mean I do but it new it scary. "Hey mal you okay" Evie said waving her hand in my face I just nodded "yeah lost in thought sorry" she eyed me "mal I know you what's wrong" I just sighed. "I have this pull strong feeling to Y/n that I can't explain and I like it but I don't it scary to me" I said truthfully. Evie just smirked "mal you're in love with Y/n"

"What" I said freaking out "no no no I do not" but Evie just smiled bigger "Mal we never had real love so we don't know what it looks like or feels like, but the way Y/n treats you is love"

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"What" I said freaking out "no no no I do not" but Evie just smiled bigger "Mal we never had real love so we don't know what it looks like or feels like, but the way Y/n treats you is love". I looked at Y/n who smiled and waved at me I did it back "she is coming over what do I do" I said Evie just laughed. "When it feels right tell her don't rush it I'm sure she loves you to" I nodded and walked over to her. "Theirs my favorite Princess" Y/n said laughing because she knows I hate the word princess, "you did amazing babygirl" I replied she kissed me and I swear the butterflies I feel when she does. We walked to the dorms and she went to shower as I waited I thought about what Evie said what if she doesn't love me? I be heartbroken I guess I zoned out because I felt her arms around my shoulder, "I made you some sugar cookies you're favorite" I handed to her she jumped up "holy shit yes you're the best baby I love you" she immediately stopped I did to. She looked shocked and so did I honestly "I uh i I" she stuttered aww I raced over and kissed her "i love you" I smiled and so did she. I do love her I love her a lot and imma make sure she knows that.

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