You can have more than one mate? -allison/lydia

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Y/n POV:
I sat against my house porch steps in the rain just staring off into space nothing has been right or felt right since the incident. I felt a presence by me and I knew it was my brothers Scott and stiles "a year and it still hurts it like uh" I said but stiles finished "like an open wound". I started crying both boys hugging me close she wasn't supposed to leave me not yet we had our whole futures together. "Come on let's get you inside before Lydia kills us for letting you get sick" I smile but felt a gritty feeling when they said Lydia's name. Once walking in I felt a strong embrace "omg Y/nn what have I told you about the rain you're gonna get sick come on let me dry you off" lydia said pushing me upstairs. I didn't see the boys smirks they had but I'll see it later once in my room Lydia grabs me my shirt and favorite hoodie and joggers. I start to strip and she just stared not like we haven't done this before she been around with Allison plenty of times. Once I finished she noticed my red eyes "lost in thought again" she said I nodded hugging her for some reason I needed to just be with her and around her, like I was when allison was still here. We went downstairs hand in hand to greet the pack and have a get together, I walked over to Derek and Malia who hugged me. All night I have had this urge to protect Lydia and be by her when she got bumped into I raced to Liam and hit his head which didn't go unnoticed by Derek and Scott "hey Y/nn are you okay" Scott asked I just nodded letting my embrace around Lydia go. "I wanna see something" Derek said he whispered to Malia quietly and she started going at Lydia eyes golden "whoa whoa what the fuck are you doing" I shouted protectively all of a sudden I jumped in front of Lydia growling "don't you dare touch her or harm her ever" my eyes glowed bright red. Everyone stood shocked but not surprised I felt Lydia rub my arm "breathe calm down" she whispered I instantly did and returned my eyes back to green. "Malia I'm so sorry I I have no idea" she just smirked "no it's okay Derek asked me to do that we need to prove a test" she said I stood puzzled "I think Allison wasn't your only mate" Scott said I just stopped. I watched Lydia perk up but didn't say anything "what do you mean more than one" I asked "when a alpha is paired with their mate sometimes fate has it in store for another mate to be found in case you lost one, this being said we lost Allison". She stopped everyone saw me shift but I felt Lydia hold my arm calming me "you lost your mate but I think you actually have another a certain banshee" he smirked I looked to Lydia who was red faced and smiling. "The protectiveness attacking Liam standing up to Malia to protect Lydia, you getting jittery every time we say her name or you see her"? Stiles said smiling wide i just stood in shock a good shock "so my crush on her is valid" I said to myself but everyone heard it "you have a crush on me" she asked I just stuttered "I uh well" but Kira cut me off "okay everyone let's give these two privacy out back bonfire time" they left leaving us. "I know Allison was your first love and I know she was your mate and my best friend but I have always had this urge to be with you. And I know it's selfish because she's gone and I don't wanna make you uncomfortable" she stopped because I just kissed her. "I couldn't think of anything else to stop you from talking" I giggled she just smiled wide "I know Allison would want me to be happy and move on truth be told I always had a pull to you". She didn't respond just kissed me and this kiss felt magical like with Allison. We walked outside hand and hand grinning wide "finally about time 30 bucks Liam" Scott said I just laughed I pulled lydia into my arms and that's where she staid by my side forever.

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