The hybrid- hope mikealson

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Y/n PoV:
"Y/n let's go"I heard Josie yell I followed her giggling we were getting ready for a party at the old mill and had to finish setting up. "Okay hang the lights all here" she asked me I nodded and used my magic to put them up I'm a hybrid witch/vampire I was turned as a vampire at a young age and born a witch. My mom Bonnie Bennett tried to protect me as best she could I live up to her name everyday, "hey Bennett" I heard Lizzie say. I turned and smiled "Lizzzyy bear" I said she just glared and smirked "how are you liking it here so far" she asked me. I joined the school and they became fast friends with me especially Josie given her witch abilities I am friends with Penelope her and Lizzie although I haven't met hope yet she been gone doing something. "It been great although seeing Penelope talk about how amazing Josie is makes me puke bc I'm single". I said laughing she laughed to "y/nn don't worry I'll find you a girlfriend somewhere" Lizzie said I just ignored her.
Hope PoV:
After helping Alaric with something I decided to change and go to the party that Josie and Lizzie are hosting for the new transfer. Apparently she's a hybrid im excited because it witch and vampire I can totally dig on that, when I walked to the old mill I sensed something strong. I looked around realizing I felt a pull towards someone I ran around looking for the source and then I found it. Standing across from the fire talking to Penelope and Josie was the new girl and boy was she beautiful. My wolf inside of me was ringing mate but I just stood in shock I am guessing she felt it to because she started looking around as well. Our eyes made contact and I froze immediately I saw her and I I never felt this kind of connection before, she smiled at me and I nervously smiled back.
Y/n PoV:
All night I felt this pull and I couldn't figure it out I was talking to penny and Josie about something when I felt the urge to find someone. Once my eyes met with a beautiful girl with auburn hair I stopped no way I don't get mates do I? I seen her and I and my smile grew I waved and she shyly waved back I walked over excusing myself and she met me halfway. "Hi my names Y/n Bennett" I said reaching my hand out she smiled and stuck hers out "hope hope Mikaelson" and when we touched I felt a tingle inside she did to. We looked at our hands and I smiled she matched mine "why don't we go somewhere quieter to talk" she asked I nodded grabbing her hand walking to the docks. We talked about everything it was so amazing I never felt so relaxed and carefree I told her of my time in mystic falls and she told me of her family in new Orleans. We talked for hours just holding hands and laughing "so i don't want you to feel like you have to date me or anything just because we're mated I don't wanna make you uncomfortable". I said calmly I been rejected before but by a mate that would be even worse.
Hope PoV:
I am having so much fun with this girl I can't believe Y/n is my mate I found her but I am scared I have so many enemies and my family does to. She doesn't care about my last name she knew who I was but she looked past it all and got to know me. "So I don't want you to feel like you have to date me or anything just because we're mated I don't wanna make you uncomfortable". She said to me calm but hint of sadness I just grabbed her cheek gently and stared in her beautiful Y/EC eyes smiling "can I kiss you" I asked she nodded. I leaned in and let me tell you I've kissed a lot of people but this one was a never before feeling that I couldn't get enough. I pulled her closer to me and she wrapped her arms around my waist we just made out under the stars on the dock I am so making her my girlfriend, my girlfriend the Hybrid.

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