Marley when she watches you practice

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You are y/n pierce Brittany's little sister and football quarterback you're running plays with Jake and Sam for fun on the field

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You are y/n pierce Brittany's little sister and football quarterback you're running plays with Jake and Sam for fun on the field. Marley is sitting watching you as she never gets to see you practice just games.

"Go long Jake" I yelled-he nodded I threw the hall for 30 yard touch down and he caught it "YEAH LETS GO WHOO" I said jumping up and down the guys did to hugging me "we are so kicking ass tomorrow" Ryder yelled I just nodded walking to the sidelines taking my helmet off you made eye contact with Marley and smiled wide. She gives you one in return and you blow her a kiss seal it up and throw it to her she catches it opens and puts it on her cheek. "I love you" you yelled running back she just smiled gif "i love you to superstar" she yelled.

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