Car wreck -quinn Fabray ⚠️G!P reader⚠️

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Quinn kept pacing the floor of your house together she moved in with you whenever her parents kicked her out for being gay. It your sophomore year of college and you were coming home from a big soccer game you had to stay back and do press conference and Quinn said she see you at the party. "Q it's okay honey I'm sure she just caught in traffic or the interviews went long it's okay" Santana said also worried for her best friend. "I know it just her coach said 15 min tops it been almost an hour" Quinn said freaking your friends all concerned to until your mom's phone went off "this is Mrs Hummel" your mom said in the phone Quinn immediately turned to her seeing the tears "I uh yes I'm coming" she said hanging up burt caught her "it was the hospital they rushed Y/n to the ER she was in a wreck" carol cried out. Quinn stood in shock her heart dropped she couldn't lose you not yet she didn't get to tell you the news that you're expecting. "Let's roll out now" Santana yelled they all got in the cars Quinn with Burt carol and Santana the others riding with Santana and puck. Once they arrived to the ER they raced in "y/n Hummel I'm her mother is she okay" carol said tears flowing "I'll help them". A doctor said they turned and saw two women standing "I'm dr Bailey this is dr Robbin's your daughter is in surgery right now".
Quinn PoV:
I just cried and cried all the way to the hospital "I can't lose her I just can't" I said quietly Kurt holding me close Mercedes on the other side. Once arriving two doctors came to us "they had to rush her to surgery right away the truck was t-boned a drunk driver ran the red light flipped the truck it rolled we had to pull her out" my heart just shattered more. I had anger I had pain and sadness anger to the driver sadness to her being hurt and pain at the thought of losing the only one I will ever love. "When she gets out we will let you know I'm so sorry but I want you to know whoever Quinn fabray is she a lucky girl, Y/n staid awake in the ambulance as best she can talking about Quinn and how she will fight for her". I smiled crying more Santana hugged me close after they walked away, we saw her coach was walking towards us.  "Is she gonna be okay how did this happen" carol said crying as well the coach she had tears in her eyes. "I it happened so fast I was following her to the house the other soccer girls riding with we were behind her it was a green light she was cleared to go". She said in tears staring off I bet that was scary watching it happen "this stupid ford truck swerving out of control sped through the intersection hit her drivers side and flipped her oh gawd it as do hard I stopped the car the girls and I racing to the truck". More and more pain hit at me I wanted this to be a dream a nightmare that I'll wake up and she holding me in our bed. "Here she had this in her hand" she said handing me a photo it was our first photo of us dating our freshman year of high school I smiled crying more. "She was clinging to that from her dash she kept telling us she was making it out of this to come home to you Quinn". The coach hugged me I hugged her back "the team is this way" we followed to the waiting room all of her teammates laying by each other or pacing the floor all with tears in their eyes. Y/n is the captain of the team she is the glue that's holds the teamwork together. We all sat comforting each other hours past but it felt like years to me finally a doctor came in "family of Y/n Hummel" she said everyone stood up. "Whoa uh big family ha cute anyways Y/n just got out of surgery she is okay what happened was when the truck was hit and rolled a piece of glass entered her upper left abdomen and we didn't wanna take it out until we knew if it penetrated an organ luckily it missed it by a hair, we managed to stop the bleeding get the glass out and stitch her up she gonna be okay". Everyone cheered and hugged each other I was hugging the doctor desperately "thank you thank you so much" I cried she just hugged tighter "you're welcome she's in room 238 only a few at a time she should be awake" I nodded Carol Burt Kurt and I raced to the room. Once arriving I started crying again Burt knocked and Y/n opened her eyes smiling "hey guys" she weakly said I ran over kissing her. She kissed me back just as hard and rested her head against mine "honey I am so glad you're okay" Carol said hugging her next burt and Kurt after. "I told you I always come back to you no matter what" Y/n said looking at me the most saying it. We let everyone else come in I staid next to Y/n she didn't mind though as she asked. Once everyone checked on her I crawled in bed staying the night I started sobbing. "U didn't know what I do if I had lost you you mean everything to me babygirl I need you we need you". I said rubbing my stomach she looked at me and eyes went wide "wait are you" she said tears in her eyes I smiled with tears as well, "holy shit you're pregnant" she smiled kissing my face all over both giggling and smiling, "I promise to take care of our family forever". Y/n finished I just cuddled into her knowing she will always keep her promise to me and never break it no matter what.

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