Wedding bells- kitty wilde

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Kitty PoV:
"Kitty don't freak okay you're just nervous everything is going to be fine you're about to get married". Santana told me trying to calm me down I don't know why I'm worried "everything can go wrong what if I fall or what if she doesn't show up or". I stopped because Mercedes came over "honey Y/n loves you more than anything or anyone, y'all have been together since freshman year, she asked you to marry her she is going to be waiting for you trust me". I smiled hugging her they helped finish my hair and make up I took a bunch of deep breathes she's right I love Y/n and she loves me.
Y/n POv:
"Yo I'm freaking out man what if she doesn't wanna marry me or what if something goes wrong what if an ex shows up and objects"!? I said walking back and fourth in my vest trying to fix my bowtie Sam came over "dude chill breathe okay kitty is crazy in love with you she has been since the 9th grade everything going perfect". He smiled I tried to slow my breathing and nodded my head "and if any exes show up I'll kill em" puck said smiling I just laughed high fiving him, "okay best man talk move it" I heard my brother puck say. The others walked out to the alter it was just puck and I "listen little sis I see the way you and kitty look at each other it's meant to be and I'm so proud you found someone who will care for you when I'm not around". He said a tear in his eye "I have protected you for all our lives since we lost mom and dad and I will never stop you are my best friend my little sister and now I know you're in safe hands". I tried not to cry and hugged him "idk what I do without you thank you for being my big brother and my protector, and my best man" I said he fixed my bowtie for me and gave me my blazer I walked to the alter by mr Hummel who is officiating for us as he did with Kurt and Santana when they married Blaine and Brittany. The music starts and I see the bridal party come down to the instrumental song a thousand years, I smiled at how my friends looked walking down the aisle once they finished the music changed. Speechless by Dan and Shay started to play and everyone stood the doors open and I see kitty with her dad looking gorgeous as ever. I couldn't stop the big smile and tears on my face as I watched her walk down to me my heart beating super fast and out of control idk why I was so worried this is the woman I wanna marry.
Kitty PoV:
As soon as I heard the bridal party music my father came by me "it okay to be nervous sweetheart your mother and I are so proud of you". He said kissing my forehead "I know you will be cared and happy I see the way Y/n looks at you, it's how I still look at your mother" I smiled wide and heard my song. The doors open and I see Y/n standing by all our friends and family looking stunning in her tux. Both of us huge smiles and teary eyed as I made my way to her she met us at the end "who gives this bride away" Burt said "her mother and I do" my dad said kissing my head handing my hand to Y/n "thank you for loving my daughter" he told Y/n "I'll do it forever" she responded he smiled going to sit by my mom. We walked hand and hand to the alter "join both hands face each other please" Burt said we made eye contact and the beautiful sparkle in her eyes made me smile more. "We are gathered here today to join these two wonderful people who found love in this crazy world. Y/n and Kitty I'm so proud of you we all are proud of being yourself and finding your person, I understand you both have vows" Burt said gesturing for me to go first. "Y/n if you would have told me freshman year I would find my person and marry them I would have laughed in your face. But the second I met you I saw a future no doubt in my mind, I promise to be your rock and support you through it all. I'll stand by you in the good times and the bad and continue to love you forever and always, I'm so glad you chose me to be your wife I love you so much". I said crying she was to "wow okay how can I follow up with that" she giggled earning giggled from everyone else "kitty I fell in love with you the day we met and you weren't even mine yet but I knew I loved you. And every year I been with you has been perfect, through all our ups and downs we stood together as one against the world. I promise to love you and be your protector and support you need in life, i will protect our family and give you the life of happiness and love. You are so beautiful so smart and amazing I am so lucky to call you my person, my love, and now my wife I love you kitty Wilde". She finished I cried more now as well "by the power vested in me I now pronounced you wife and wife you may kiss the bride" as soon as Burt said that Y/n grabbed me and kissed me while she dipped me I heard screams and cheers all over but I blocked it out all I could focus on was my wife in front of me. "May I present Mrs and Mrs y/n Puckerman" Burt yelled Y/n raised our hands up hollering I just laughed yep I'm lucky.

 "May I present Mrs and Mrs y/n Puckerman" Burt yelled Y/n raised our hands up hollering I just laughed yep I'm lucky

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Kittys wedding dress

Your tuxedo or whatever you want to picture

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Your tuxedo or whatever you want to picture

Your tuxedo or whatever you want to picture

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Kittys hair

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