I want her-hayley marshall

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As I sit and wonder what is gonna happen next I just laugh currently tied to a chair with vervain holding me down. Y/n Mikaelson the second oldest sibling and currently the most wanted by any enemy we have to get to my brother Klaus. "Why you all calm and smiling we can kill you you know" one man spoke up I just laughed. "Y'all clearly don't know who I am" I said smirking "some Bitch who cares" the same guy said I just laughed. "Enough what I say about taunting the prisoners" a female voice said "ahh aurora always a pleasure" I said sarcastically. "Y/n mikaelson my my you're even cuter in person" the man taunting me went pale "y-you had me watching the mi-mikaelson sibling" he said in tears. "Oh piss off you big baby before I eat you" I chuckled scaring him. "You won't have me for long aurora" I said she just smiled "yes I will klaus don't care for his siblings just himself and you don't have anyone who loves you". I just sat still even though I know it's a lie she still hits where it hurts "now sit still" she said sitting on my lap "hey get the fuck off" I yelled. "No manners in front of a lady that's sad" she said inches from my face just then the door broke down hitting the two guys "you a lady aurora fat chance" I heard my favorite voice say. She looks over and we see Hayley Rebekah and klaus all standing together "get off my girlfriend" Hayley roared ooh that's hot. Aurora just smirked and stood behind me injecting something in me "bitch that hurt" I roared feeling lightheaded." "What the fuck did you do to her" Rebekah yelled eyes changing fast "oh just injected a poison to slowly kill her nothing major" aurora boasted I watched Hayley eyes turn worry to anger. "Hey love hello dear siblings took your time" I chuckled slowly losing energy "I'm sorry little one but I'm here and we're leaving aurora with our sister" klaus spoke. See he's an asshole but he really has a soft spot for family "I want her so no" aurora tried to attack them but they got her quickly "Hayley get Y/n out of here" klaus yelled she sped over to me and picked me up. "Hold on baby I got you" and raced to the car once we made it back to the manor.
Hayley POV:
"Elijah davina help" I yelled crying they raced in and saw me lay Y/n on the table "what happened" davina asked. "Aurora she injected her with some poison she dying I can't figure out why help please" I cried freya walked in and grabbed her book "alright y/nn this is going to hurt" I just watched Y/n body being taken over with this poison in her. "Elijah I need you to suck the poison out while I use a spell to keep you from swallowing it". He nodded worry in his eyes "j-just hurry up it'll be okay little brother" Y/n stuttered slowly growing tired, they're the closest out of the siblings. He bit into her neck and she screamed my heart broke watching this unfold finally he got it out spitting it into a container freya creating a spell to stop the spreading of what been done. "Alright the poison she used wasn't just a normal one it had so much vervain and white oak substance that's not good how the fuck she get that"!? Freya yelled and quickly made a antidote "can you save her" I asked "yes the serum I have is going to counter the effects open her mouth Hayley" I nodded helping her drink it. "She will be alright just rest" Elijah raced her to our room and I laid next to her cuddling her closely. "I don't know if you can hear me but I love you so much idk what I do if I lost you hope and I need you so please wake up soon baby". And later that night once klaus and Rebekah made it back safely Y/n awoke and I never left her side again.

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