Special Chapter: Their Vows

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Aiah's POV

We're here at the Church, witnessing Colet and Jhoanna about to become one. I'm happy for my cousin because she've found her one great love.

The priest gave her microphone to Colet, a signal for her to finally say her vow.

I move closer to listen to what my cousin's about to say. She held Jhoanna's hand and smiled warmly.


Today, in the presence of our loved ones and the divine, I stand here before you, overwhelmed with emotions, and ready to make the most important promise of my life.

From the moment our paths crossed, I knew that our love was destined to be extraordinary, and today, as I take you as my partner, I vow to love you with all my heart, for all eternity.

With every beat of my heart, I promise to cherish and honor you, to respect and support you in all that you do. I vow to be your pillar of strength, your rock, and your confidant. Together, we will build a life filled with love, laughter, and joy, and I will always be there to hold your hand through every triumph and challenge we face.

I promise to be your unwavering support, to encourage and inspire you in pursuing your dreams. I promise to listen to you attentively, to understand and empathize with your thoughts and feelings. In times of sorrow or doubt, I will be your solace, providing comfort and reassurance. With you, I feel complete, and I vow to be your unwavering support through every twist and turn that life may bring.

As we embark on this incredible journey of marriage, I promise to be your partner in every sense of the word. I promise to communicate openly and honestly, to share my hopes and fears, dreams and aspirations, and to always be open to hearing yours. Let us create a safe space where we can both grow and evolve, knowing that we have each other's unwavering love and support.

I promise to be faithful and loyal to you, to be true to the vows we exchange today. I promise to choose you every day, to celebrate the beautiful uniqueness that is you, and to never take our love for granted. You are the light that brightens my darkest days, the smile that warms my soul, and the love that fills my heart.

Today, I give you my hand, my heart, and my unwavering commitment. I promise to walk by your side as your equal, through all the ups and downs that life may bring. I promise to celebrate your victories as my own and to share in your joys and triumphs. Together, we will create a home filled with love, laughter, and compassion, a place where our souls can find refuge.

My beloved Jhoanna Christine, I am honored to stand before you today and declare my eternal love for you. I am grateful for the love we share, and I promise to love you fiercely and unconditionally, now and forever.

With all that I am and all that I have, I take you as my partner, and I promise to be your loving partner until the end of time.

Forever yours,

I looked at Mikha and saw her staring at me too. With longing eyes. I faked cough and looked away. This time, it's Jhoanna's turn to say her vow.

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