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A/N: Dedicating this chapter to docwhowrites . Happy Birthday ✨💕


I punched the bag continuously. My knuckles stung, and I knew I would have new bruises by the time I was done ruining this bag. That bastard's face flashed before my eyes. I punched the bag harder.

It has been fourteen years but the anger hasn't diminished at all. With it, the guilt of not saving Ma has only increased. He got away with it! The police never found him. Thinking about it skyrocketed my anger. Every single fucking time I remember this I want to go hunt him and kill him myself.

"Slow down, else the entire bag is going to fall. This will be the third time this month."

I take deep breaths and glance at Aarav. My twin brother, he's exactly five minutes younger than me. Although we didn't look identical we had similar features. I had the same black eyes as that bastard. I hated looking at them in the mirror. While Aarav had hazel eyes, calm and kind just like Ma.

"I don't care!" I exclaim and began punching the bag again. He shook his head and walked to the other side to do some stretches.

"Hey did you call Mom? She told me that she had been calling you since yesterday but you didn't answer any of her calls." I continued punching the bag as it swiveled from side to side. I was about to lunge another punch when Aarav stood in front of me.

I panted and backed away. I removed the gloves that were around my wrists and wiped the sweat with a hand towel. I guzzled down some water. I know Aarav was patiently waiting for my answer. I began retying the bands around my hands.

"Don't worry I'll call her today. I was busy last night." I focused on tightening the bands and wrapping them around my palms.

"Busy doing what exactly? As far I remember we watched our matches, made some notes, and went to sleep." I cursed under my breath. I should have thought of a better answer.

I briefly glanced at Aarav and then went back to punching the bag. That didn't last for long because he once again stood in front of the bag. "What!?" I screamed frustrated with the interruption.

"Tell me where did you go after I left your flat?" The two of us lived in the same apartment. We have been living here since we graduated college. He lived on the floor above mine.

"Nowhere! Just ran outside for a while to blow off some steam." I knew that my nonchalant expression was intact. I don't think I'm capable of expressing any other emotions that well and I'm perfectly content with that.

"You went to blow off some steam at 11 in the night? What makes you think I will believe that bullshit?" I sighed and walked away near the window. The sun was just beginning to rise and the birds were chirping. I frowned. I disliked that sound. It annoyed me. Once upon a time that used to be my favorite sound. Ma always said, "Do you hear that Aarav and Anurag? It's a new day, a new beginning. A new hope that today will be better than yesterday."

"I'm waiting for an answer Anurag." I snapped out of my thoughts. Since he didn't move away from the punching bag and this was the only training room in our apartment's gym. I began doing some push-ups.

"Well, then let me guess! You went to the underground ring and played another illegal match, right?" I grunted but didn't stop doing the push-ups. There was no point in dodging this topic anymore. He busted me. He always catches me when I'm lying or trying to dodge a topic.

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