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It has been a couple of weeks since that entire club blunder. The day after was probably one of the most embarrassing days that I have ever been through. I could only remember a few things I had done the day before. One memory that stood out the most was me calling Anurag Giraffe. I called him that not once but twice.

Nyra had the time of her life tormenting me by withholding the information about the things I had done after drinking those shots. I sang! I freaking sang in front of an entire audience and I was almost going to dedicate the song to Anurag.

I thank god every day that Nyra pulled me off the stage at the right time. Somebody had uploaded a video of me singing on Instagram but again I got lucky because my face wasn't seen that much at all. My memory is a bit fuzzy but I remember telling Anurag good night Giraffe after Aarav and he had given us a lift back to our apartment.

I groaned and banged my head against the table. Every time I remember that, I feel like burying myself somewhere. Why did I have to call him that? That too in front of everyone! Nyra had the time of life by teasing me the entire weekend. She cooed at me when I told her that I genuinely liked him.

The blog that I had written that day had gotten the most crazy amount of comments. My eyes widened the moment I clicked on the comment section.  Someone commented I should just be honest about my feelings and ask him out. Someone else commented that I should kiss him that would get a reaction out of him other than the frowns.

Whenever I thought about that particular comment I couldn't help but blush. How would it feel to have my lips against his? I bit my bottom lip and swiveled the chair from side to side. I sighed and shook my head, unfortunately, I hadn't seen him since last week.

My mind went back to the time when Nyra had told me about the video and the last time I had seen him. Although getting to know about the video wasn't the best part of the memory the things that took place after that always made me blush. I couldn't stop myself from smiling every time I thought about it. Mr. No smiles only scowls smiled at me for the first time. I couldn't help but feel giddy.


Nyra called me from the living room, apparently, there was something important that she wanted to share. I walked out of the living room and plopped on the couch waiting for Nyra to tell me what was wrong. Jay was here as well.

"Ohh right here's the thing. Umm someone posted a video of you singing on stage last night." My eyes bulged out of my head and I snatched the phone from Nyra.

"Noo!" I screamed when I heard my voice on the phone. Jay and Nyra sat next to me to get a better look at the video.

"Hey, it's not so bad. The club was pretty much dark the entire time and we can barely even make out your face." Jay muttered squinting his eyes as if he were examining the video from every angle.

"Priyu it's okay. Besides everyone is complimenting you and also they are curious about your crush." Nyra said scrolling through the comments. I pushed the phone away and walked towards the kitchen. I poured a glass of water for myself and went back to the couch.

Anurag's face once again flashed in my mind. Stupid stupid stubborn man. It's all because of him. I shall avenge this incident. I don't like him anymore! I screamed in my mind and slumped further into the couch.

"Stop whining. It was a fun night!" Nyra said, A few seconds later I heard Jay and Nyra laughing loudly. I screeched and threw a pillow at them.

"Shut up!" I muttered and covered myself with a light blanket. They stopped laughing after a minute trying to catch their breaths. I glared at the television waiting for this day to get over.

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