Spreading Love

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"Love and like can make you feel many things. Choose who you love or like wisely. As it always chips away a part of your soul."

Hello Everyone,I hope all of you are doing well

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Hello Everyone,
I hope all of you are doing well. I hope your week has been one of the most fulfilling weeks that you have had. If it was not such a good week that is alright there is another day and another week for your previous bad week to redeem itself. But I'm sure that even during the bad week there were moments that made a difference and are worth remembering. Even if they were small ones they matter so hold on to them!

My week was a mix of everything. There were some frustrating moments, some mundane moments which might seem boring but I think these are the moments that make up the core of everything, and there were some best moments too.

The best moment was the fact that I confessed to my crush I like him! *Squealing loudly* yes I did! It was not easy and it was nerve-wracking but the look on his face was worth the increased heartbeat and the continuous sweating of my palms.

We hugged and it was the best. I might be swaying slightly and I may be looking like a complete lunatic because of the weird way that I am smiling right now but I do not care! I am so happy! I know that he likes me too and there is nothing that could have made this week better than this one moment.

While I was swamped with these feelings I thought a lot about love and liking someone in general so I would like to share the same. Over the years I have had a lot of crushes and I had one relationship when I was in college.

To have a crush is one of the most beautiful things, I know you must be thinking she tends to romanticize everything but hear me out. To like someone can be fun but sometimes heartbreaking if that person is already in a relationship.

I think what makes crushes so beautiful is how they make you feel. The beautiful bubbling feeling inside your stomach when he or she speaks to you or even looks at you. The constant scenarios that you cook up in your mind and the woozy nice feelings that they give you. All of them are amazing, aren't they?

While the feeling of liking towards someone may fade away with time love is completely different. Most of us already have fantasies in our minds as to how our love life should be or the exact moments that all of us want to experience with our future partners. There is nothing wrong with having these expectations but this becomes a problem when we start having unrealistic expectations.

As an avid reader and someone who is crazy about romantic movies, I know how many unrealistic things are portrayed and shown here. These two things are a great escape but we should always make sure that we are aware of the reality.

Books and movies sometimes show us only the tip of the iceberg. Love is not just about looks and all the materialistic things. These things do play a role but when the complete high feeling fades away as you enter the relationship that's when the real test of your love begins. The first few months are always filled with these amazing feelings that make your heart flutter every time he or she is near you.

But the real question is are you ready to love all the versions of that person? Are you ready to support them through thick and thin? Are you ready to love them even when they make you go crazy and fight with you? Are you okay with spending time with them even when nothing is exciting planned? Just the two of you being boring with each other.

If the answer to any one of these questions is no then I don't think what you share is love. There is a fine thin line between love and attraction. Love does not mean grand gestures. The tiny details that you remember about them and do something special for them make all the difference in the world.

Don't ever rush into a relationship. Don't ever get into a relationship for all the wrong reasons especially because your peers are in one or because it's something you want to check off your list. Also don't ever go searching for love.

Love will find you when you least expect it. That is the beauty of it. Don't even compromise on love. But be ready to face all the challenges that come with love. True love is never easy to withstand but that is what makes it special in every way.

Ha! All of you might be thinking I'm bitten by the love bug haha. The answer is maybe!

Anyway hope you guys have an amazing weekend and a wonderful week ahead! May each one of you find your love when the time is right! Until then shine away!

P.s. I cooked Dal rice with my crush hehe. It was the best thing that I did this week. I also learned that uta means food in Kannada! So I had some amazing uta with my crush.

Until next time!

Anonymous Love

A/N: Honestly, this had been on my mind for a while now and it made perfect sense to write a blog now.

Love will find you eventually. Also, I think these days people have lost the real meaning of love.

Be patient there is someone out there for you!

I honestly don't know if whatever I wrote in this blog made sense. Do let me know!

Hope you guys liked this part! If you did please do vote and comment! I would love to know what you guys think!

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