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"Fuck!" I muttered under my breath, trying to balance the boxes that I was carrying in my hands. Nyra had ordered some paint supplies that had arrived at the lobby just a few minutes back. Since I was back home early she asked me to pick it up, I was more than happy to oblige but I was also dumb to have taken both the boxes together.

I began walking towards the lift that was in my apartment block. "Woah," I screamed when one of the boxes began slipping out of my grip. I tightened my grip around it but it slipped from my hand again. I raised my thigh and held one box from tripping down.

Great! How am I going to walk now? Why do I have to be so lazy? I could have collected the boxes separately, but no I decided to get both the boxes at once. I gripped the box tighter to my torso and began walking but it slipped again. This time I was sure it was going to fall to the ground. I prayed that this box would not have the bottle of paints that she ordered.

Just then a pair of hands caught the box. I panted and closed my eyes briefly. I tilted my head to find Anurag holding the box with so much ease. He shook his head and squinted his eyes at me. What was he doing in this block? Huh, maybe he used the other entrance.

He ran his fingers through his hair and shifted the box, holding it in one hand. I was five foot five so I barely reached his shoulders. I felt the nervous energy buzz around me again. Why do I feel like this in his presence?

He was wearing shorts and a T-shirt, with a bag hanging around his back. He probably just returned from practice. "Again. Why do you keep doing things that cause you to trip and fall whenever we meet?" He asked.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I wasn't going to fall this time; it was the box that almost fell," I whispered, Anurag shook his head. He was so a catch. His throat boobed and his biceps flexed when he moved his arms to fix his hair, I sniffed, oh his scent. Musky, spicy, and all Anurag. He stood just a couple of paces from me, yet his scent was perceptible.

I snapped out of my thoughts when he cleared his throat. What am I even thinking? Did I just fucking sniff him? Oh god! He would think I'm some insane person. I glanced at him, he raised his brows and almost looked amused. Oh god! Why do I do things like this in his presence?

I went ahead to grab the box and get out of there. I don't wish to embarrass myself further and fall into the rabbit hole. No! Not doing that at all. As it is I tend to blabber nonsense in his presence.

"Give me that!" I tried to take the box from him but he moved it to the other side. "Let me help you. I'll bring it to your flat." He calmly stated that I wanted to reject his offer immediately, but I didn't want to go through that circus act again by juggling these two boxes.

"Fine," I muttered and began walking. I noticed him frowning. I wonder what he's thinking. He's always frowning. Mr. Khadoos! Or should I call him Mr. Angry young man? Yep both of them work.

This was the first time I was having some sort of a conversation with him besides catching glimpses of him whenever he came to pick up Sana. I tried to initiate conversation with him but all he does is nod. What is that nod even supposed to mean? Stupid man!

He followed behind me as I walked to the lift. I pressed the button for the lift to arrive and waited. I tapped my feet and starched my neck. I held the box in one hand and ran my fingers through my hair. Should have bought a band to tie it!

Destructive Love (#1)Where stories live. Discover now