Spreading Love

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"Fall in love with yourself a little bit more every day."

Hey everyone, I always wondered as to why we need someone to love us

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Hey everyone,
I always wondered as to why we need someone to love us. Sure having some with us always is a plus but that's not everything. The core concept of love lies within you.

Why wait for someone to come and shower you with love? Why wait for someone to show up and pamper you? Instead, be the first to show up for yourself and shower yourself with all the love. Take time and do something nice for yourself.

Life is fast-paced, and it keeps moving at full speed. There are no pauses in life but I would say that we all need to create sort of a pause for ourselves. We should create a middle ground where we should all take a break and relax. Make yourself happy, do what makes you happy because this world doesn't think about you. It's only you who can be your best companion.

Initially, I thought it would not be fun to do things alone. I thought that everything you do should be done with some company. But that's true. Not everyone will always show up for you, take control and show up for yourself!

Going on solo dates has been talked about a lot, but people still hesitate to do it. I want to share a recent experience. I went to a cafe this week on my own. I did not take my best friend or anyone else. I took a seat in the corner and ordered my favorite sandwich along with my favorite lime soda.

While I waited for the order I didn't take pictures of the place or scroll through my phone. I took a minute and glanced around. The ambience emitted a warm feeling and the music was soothing. There was also a waterfall near the table where I was seated, the waves of the water touching against water added to the calming feel.

Amidst the chaos of the fast-paced city life, I had temporarily found my calmness. I jotted down a few of my thoughts and ate my sandwich. During this period I started loving myself a bit more than yesterday. I appreciated myself for enjoying my own company. At that moment I realized that I did not need someone else to make me happy.

There are these famous few lines that I have heard and read quite a few times. If you go looking for love you will never find it. Instead, go with life as it is love will eventually find you at the right time.

I'm not saying that company is bad or going out with people shouldn't be done all I'm saying is that be more connected to yourself. Understand yourself more and love the little things about you. Sometimes doing things on your own can make you stronger and powerful. Nothing like a dose of self-love which will take you a long way.

P.S. Have a great weekend! I learned that Preeti means love in Kannada. Give more Preeti to yourself! Hehe!

Anonymous love

A/N: I know most of you were expecting a chapter but I'm still stuck on making it better so expect the chapter on Tuesday! This time I will not go back on my word.

But I do hope you enjoy this snippet of Spreading the love! I hope it made sense! I wrote it from the bottom of my heart. I might change it later!

Have a great weekend guys!

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