Spreading Love

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"Birthdays are supposed to bring joy, but when the person you are celebrating for isn't present, it brings grief along with a tinge of happiness!"

"Birthdays are supposed to bring joy, but when the person you are celebrating for isn't present, it brings grief along with a tinge of happiness!"

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Today is my mother's birthday, it's been almost three years since I lost her and some days without her never get easier. It's harder to miss her because I feel her presence with me always. Some days I keep thinking that she has gone traveling and that she would be back. Once she's back everything will be the same.

But then I remembered that she was not there. Sometimes my fingers hover over her number on my phone. I wanted to call her and rant to her about my days. I wish I had just another day with her. There were so many things I wanted to share.

I still remember one day when I came home after a hard day it was pretty late and yet she was seated there on the couch waiting for me. No matter how tired and sleepy she was, she sat on the couch waiting for me to tell her about my day.

That day I was annoyed that she was waiting for me. I didn't like that she was ruining her schedule for my sake. I distinctly remember arguing with her but all she said was, "Sleep is nothing for me, Guddu, all that matters for me is you. I never want to miss hearing about your days, even if some days mean nothing to you."

Then she went on to hug me, that hug made me forget everything crappy that had happened on that tiring day. That hug shrouded me in a blanket of security, it gave me the confidence that if no one ever stood by me my mother would always be there by my side. I wish I had held her tighter, so tight that she would never leave me.

Cherish all the moments with your loved ones. You never know what the future has in store for you. One day they might be with us and then we take them for granted the next day they might not be there. I'm not trying to scare you guys all I'm saying is that we mustn't take anyone in our life for granted. Be the one to give love, because love is unconditional. You send love to the universe you will receive love back.

Work will always be there but the special moments the memories that you make with your families will only come by spending time with them.

Once again I didn't mean to make you guys emotional but I want you guys to realize that you are already the most lucky person on this planet if you have the people who love you standing with you through everything.

Phew! That's enough intense things for this blog! Moving on to the much lighter things.

Anyway, I spent the day with a friend not my best friend but with another friend. In case you guys are wondering who that is it's my crush! Did I squeal loudly just now? Yes yes, I did!

I know what you guys are thinking. He's grumpy and moody, and kind of impossible for him to even agree to come out, but he did! It happened you guys! He came out with me to celebrate my mother's birthday.

The start of the day was pretty good. We looked at the sky and conversed for a bit. Was he annoyed that I made him lay down on the grass and stare at the sky? Yes, he was! But I think he secretly enjoyed it! Although he would never admit that.

This is besides the point but if you ever get just to lie down and look at the sky. Let your thoughts flow free, if they are screaming at you to pay attention don't pay any attention. Relax your mind and be content for a moment. Enjoy existing at that moment and worry about the rest later. It will truly give you some peace.

Anyway, after that we visited the temple then we went to an orphanage where we spent the rest of the day distributing gifts and playing with the little munchkins. It was truly a fulfilling day. To see the happiness on their little faces as we gave them the gifts was amazing. My mother always did this on her birthday so I know that in a way she would be happy wherever she was as I continued to do the things she loved. I could feel her blessings and warm presence.

To give and help people in need is the greatest thing one can do because no deed goes unnoticed. It will always come back to you in abundance.

As the day came to an end I felt serene and happy. Then something unexpected happened. He kissed me on the forehead! My crush kissed me on the forehead! I don't know if this was a friendly gesture or an indication that he's open to more! I'm so confused! What do you guys think? Ahh, I'm going crazy. *Screams into the pillow.* I don't know if he'll avoid me after this or if things will turn weird but all I know is that I had a wonderful day with him and I want more days like that. Yeah, I'm gone.

P.S. Akasha means the sky in Kannada. The Akasha looks beautiful today. Hope you guys have a great day and week!

anonymous love

A/N: Did I enjoy writing this blog? Most definitely. I hope you guys enjoyed reading it!

I'm sorry for the late update again. Honestly, it's not that I don't have time to write but it's just that my head has been sort of in a weird place.

I promise to give you guys at least three updates in a week starting from the next week.

Please be patient with me!

Hope you guys liked this snippet of the blog! If you did please do vote and comment! I would love to know what you guys think!

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