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Priyanka joined the call at precisely 6 p.m. "Hello, Priyanka, good evening." Gopi Sharma her father greeted her. Priyanka sighed and shook her head. This was how their conversations usually started. When had they become so formal with each other? Her father was a stranger to her, she didn't know how to react to that.

"Hi, Papa. What is this sudden meeting about?" Priyanka frowned when her father sighed and shuffled some papers on the table. From the background, she could see that he was still in the office. His appearance was haggard. His tie was loose over his collar and his hair was a mess.

"Priyanka, I have to tell you something important." She frowned but nodded. He sounded frantic and stressed.

"Is everything okay Papa? Is your health fine? I told you so many times to take the weekend off but you refuse to do so. Have you been taking your BP Medication on time?" Priyanka asked frantically as worry filled her mind. She didn't want to lose her father as well and she knew that he overworked himself to not think about her mother.

Gopi Sharma sighed, he looked at his daughter who resembled his late wife. From her eyes to everything she was a carbon copy of his wife. "I'm okay Priyanka. This is not about my health, it's something related to your mother."

Priyanka swallowed the lump in her throat. This was the first time her father had mentioned her mother to her since her passing.

"What about it?" She asked. She tapped the tip of her pen continuously on the notebook.

"Remember she said that she was going to start working on an important and exceptional assignment before she was diagnosed and admitted to the hospital?" A memory flashed in her mind. Geetha Sharma was ecstatic about the project. She wanted to build a hospital for the underprivileged people. A hospital that provided world-class facilities and medicines at a much lower cost. It was her mother's dream at that time which she could not fulfill.

Priyanka nodded, "I remember. She was in talks with a few people about building a hospital for the underprivileged people." Her father nodded and pulled out a paper. 

"Remember she wanted to tell us both something important but before she couldn't remember at that point because she was so tired and weak. She constantly kept muttering I want you both to do something but I can't remember what that is." A few tears fell from her eyes as she remembered the frail figure of her mother lying in bed.

She wiped the tears immediately and nodded. "Priyanka your mother is so smart. I found this letter and some papers in her drawer when I was cleaning it today." Her father chuckled and wiped a stray tear that fell down his cheek.

"She had already met up with a few people who are doctors to start the hospital. She even left a letter for us in case she forgets to mention it during her last days." Gopi's voice was hoarse with emotion as he recalled about his kind-hearted wife.

Priyanka was feeling emotional as well. She nodded and tried to smile but couldn't stop the tears that kept falling from her eyes. "Priyanka I want the trust foundation to take full responsibility for it and I want you to take the lead on it."

Priyanka nodded. "Money will not be a problem, our company will fund it and what I read in the letter that your mother left is that those doctors that she partnered up with also want to put some money in."

Money was never a problem for her father, he had made an abundance of it, and being the owner of one of the leading software companies in the country comes with all the perks.

"Okay Papa, I'll make sure everything happens. Please send me the details. I'll set up a team. I'll also contact these doctors and let them know what has happened. Have they stayed in touch with any of Ma's previous assistants?"

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