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I descended the stairs, my blood pulsating with an overwhelming surge of rage. I wanted to punch and beat the hell out of something to release my anger, I wanted to scream and shout. How is it fair that the one person who made life miserable for my brother and me, who killed my kind mother left unpunished? How is that fair?

My mind reeled as I went home. My vision blurred as I made my way towards my building. I gripped the bag around my shoulder harder, I could feel the bag straps and my nails dig into my palm. I tried to take deep breaths and counted in my head trying to get my anger under control. I counted and counted as I waited for the lift to arrive, a few kids got down with cricket bats in their hands. They gave me some storage looks.

I snapped out of my haze and tried to relax my shoulders but I could feel the painful pricks against my back, the scars once again tingled. I managed to nod at them and tried to smile so that they wouldn't be intimidated by my presence. Some smiled back while the others hurried away. I entered the lift and pressed the button for my floor.

I opened the door and slammed it close immediately. I unlocked my phone and shot another text to Abhinav. "Are you sure?"

I let out a shuddering breath and tried to control the trembling of my hands. I tapped my feet and waited for his answer, half an hour passed. I continued to stare at the phone screen still waiting for a reply. My mind was blank I tried to put a barrier against the painful memories that tried to push itself. I needed a distraction or else I would lose it completely.

I slammed the phone against the couch and stood up. I went to my room and quickly removed my clothes. I stood under the cold shower and let out a sigh as it helped me cool down my anger. I swallowed the lump in my throat and ran my fingers through my hair.

I grazed my fingertips against my back and they pricked as if the scars were once again real, I took a breath and held my hand forward my vision blurred as I saw red, and my breathing turned erratic as I heard my mother's and Aarav's screams along with the excruciating pain that followed. Shivers ran down my body and my head felt heavy as the cold water seeped inside my skin almost burning me but for some reason, I didn't want to get out yet.

It made me feel numb, it made me momentarily forget about the pain although the memories flashed in my head. It helped me control my urge to go back to the underground match. A few more fleeting minutes later I heard a loud ringtone. I shut the shower and quickly grabbed the towels from the hanger. I wrapped one around my waist and dried my hair with the other one.

I grabbed my phone from the couch, my hands trembled as I clicked on Abhinav's message, I closed my eyes for a second and tried to remember Aarav's words. "It doesn't matter if he is alive or dead Anurag. We need to let it go. Let him be alive or dead, it shouldn't matter. He will fucking pay, nature will take its course."

Only if it were that easy for me. I can't stand the fact that he got away easily and my mother died! I opened the message and held my breath.

"Yes, I am sure Anurag. I triple-checked. There's no records of him after the year your mom passed away."

I let out a frustrated breath followed by a growl. I grabbed the water bottle from the coffee table and slammed it on the ground. My head spun with various scenarios of me beating up that bastard filled my head. I did the breathing exercise again, but nothing was working.

Destructive Love (#1)Where stories live. Discover now