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I exhaled deeply, shaking my head in disbelief. What was I thinking? Why did I kiss her? Why did this happen? I clenched my fists and gritted my teeth. Drinking wine was a bad idea. I groaned and rubbed my face. I could still taste her against my lips and the tingling sensation lingered.

I closed my eyes and the kiss flashed in my head. She tasted like vanilla and summer. Everything about her calmed me. I was teetering on the edge of grabbing her again and never letting her go. I would have done the same if not for the tight leash I usually kept on my emotions.

Physical intimacy wasn't something that I indulged in, I was never comfortable with it not even in my last relationship but with Priyanka it came effortlessly. I didn't think twice before saying yes.

An inner voice echoed saying that this was bound to happen which I refused to accept but as much as I denied the fact I knew that was the truth. But still, nothing can happen, I cannot take this further. I was jaded and broken I didn't want to hurt her or complicate things but I went ahead and did the one thing which in turn complicated everything.

My phone buzzed in my pocket. Aarav was calling me. I answered it and cleared up the wine glasses. Stupid wine! I should have never bought this here. "Where are you? Come down fast before I eat up everything delicious. Don't complain when you will be left with the smaller pieces of the paneer tikka and chicken tandoori."

I rolled my eyes. "I will be there in a few minutes. Bye." Before he could annoy me further or give me a hard time I cut the call and walked towards the living room. I composed myself and entered the living room. I found a few parents talking to my Mom. The party had pretty much winded up.

I looked around and found Priyanka and Nyra sitting on either side of Sana. Priyanka laughed as Sana narrated something to her with exaggerated hand movements. She appeared happy and carefree. That is how I wanted her to be always. My chest did the weird thing again. I frowned and involuntarily rubbed my chest.

As if she felt my gaze on me she looked right at me. Our gazes locked, and a moment later she smiled at me tentatively. "Hey, here you go." I looked away as Aarav came to stand by me and passed me a plate of food.

I cleared my throat and began eating. I hummed at whatever Aarav said but my mind was elsewhere. "You are lost somewhere so I will shut up now." I scoffed and continued eating.

"I am listening to you and I'm not lost." Aarav raised his brows and crossed his arms across his chest.

"Fine then did you hear me say that one of Mom's has a crush on you?" I stared at him blankly and tilted my head.

"That is not what you were talking about." Aarav chuckled and glanced at the couch.

"What was I talking about then?" I took another bite of the food and shook my head.

"I was thinking about strategies for the upcoming matches so please spare me if I was not listening to your stupid chatter for once." Aarav gasped dramatically, he can be such a drama queen.

"Firstly I do not chatter and secondly I know that you were making googly eyes at Priyanka." I coughed lightly while my stupid brother laughed. He passed me a glass of water.

"I was not looking at her. Mom changed the painting, so I was looking at that." Aarav guffawed loudly, I punched his shoulder to shut him up. He groaned slightly but that did not stop his siggers.

"Mom hasn't changed that painting in the past two years." I furrowed my brows and looked at the painting above the couch. That painting has been the same for the past two years? Damn! I have to come up with something else.

Destructive Love (#1)Where stories live. Discover now